Chapter Three

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I bet you weren't expecting this, bitches. Maybe I shouldn't call you that, on second thought, dear readers. But I'm honestly offended if you expected this to only be Glacier's book. It's our book. I have dibs on the next chapter, so get use to reading from my perspective. It's better anyway.

Alright, back to the story.

Glacier jumped out of the way at the last moment, then turned and gaped at me.

What an idiot. What did she expect me to do when she threw up on me?

I was distracted for a moment as everybody in the area ran away screaming. Glacier glared at a woman as she bumped into her, and I took the moment to lunge. I tossed her over my shoulder before she could cause any property damage, not in the mood to be blamed for that, and shot up into the air. I flew to the parking lot. Looking back, that wasn't a very good idea. We could have been hit by a car or something.

"Put me down!" Glacier shrieked. "You're getting my own vomit on me! Gross!"

"If you say so." With a devious grin, I dropped her and watched as she plummeted to her doom. At the last second I flew down and caught her before she made impact with the ground.

Maybe I am kind of a jerk. Oh. Wait. Oops, I couldn't care less.

I set Glacier down, ready to tell her how to make it look like she won the fight, when she formed an icicle in her hand and stabbed me in the shoulder. I don't think I could have screamed any louder. My whole body went up in flames to keep her from doing it again.

Up until that point, I thought she had as much villainy in her as my right sock. Shockingly, I was wrong.

I considered setting her on fire when she blew, yes blew, ice into my face.

Talk about bad breath.

"What's wrong with you?!" I shouted.

"I want to win the fight!" Glacier shouted back.


I sighed and let my flames die down. "Okay-"

The stupid brat summoned another icicle and threw it with so much force it impaled my thigh. I collapsed and screeched as she made a run for it.

By the time I flew home, I was seriously considering ending our agreement. But this was the easiest way I could make money without having to worry about the police and TVAH coming after me. Plus, being a villain or criminal or whatever required planning or else I'd likely run into some creep in spandex. I mean, when the hero gig stopped working, I'd be down with becoming a villain, but I needed to seize the opportunity I had working for TVAH.

I injected myself in the leg with a shot of pain killing medicine. I fell asleep after I changed and set my alarm. I took another dosage after I woke up and got ready for school. It was a special kind of Hell I didn't deserve, I know.

Under normal circumstances I could collected my paycheck first thing in the morning, but I was running late and didn't want to fill out the paperwork at six in the morning. I never got the vomit out of my suit either, so I'd just deal with it when I got home.

"Hey," I heard Zack say as I was grabbing my textbook out of my locker. I glared at him as I slammed my locker shut. "Rough night?"

"Like always," I snarled, shoving passed him. "Do you really care?"

I had to force myself not to limp or drop my textbook as I walked down the empty hallway. I needed to get to class before the lunch bell rang and the halls filled with little snot-nosed brats who thought high school actually mattered. I don't care about your personal life, Susan. Stop blocking the fucking hallway. Get to class.

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