Chapter Thirty Six

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Sidestep glanced around with a deep unease radiating off her. Blazing and Polar flanked her sides while Ghost glared daggers into her back. Kyle stood between Glacier and me.

I set my jaw and started forward, taking the lead of the ground as we turned a corner, right towards the sound of several raised voices, all shouting cheers. The room was bright and stuffy, the air thick and warm. Drinks sloshed over cup rims, staining the floor with foul smelling alcohol.

The entire room went silent, Saviors giving us shocked stared from their unmasked faces as we blocked off their only exit. Thanks to Chloe's absence, our abilities were functioning. The hope that none of them were supers spread through me, unsure if any in their rankings could pose enough of a threat.

Wraith still had her back turned. She set her drink down by her black heeled boot before straightening up, brown ponytail swaying as she turned to face us.

Sidestep hesitantly stepped forward, letting out a choked noise. "Wraith."

Wraith inhaled, foot knocking her cup over. Her cheeks were red, but any smile had already faded. "Sidestep. You brought TVAH members with you." Her eyes narrowed. "Along with Glacier and her sidekick."

"Hey!" Kyle snapped. Blazing pushed him back.

Wraith leaned back against a folding table. "What, you seven come to join the party?"

"You're going to kill people, innocent people!" Sidestep exclaimed. "Those bombs aren't just going to kill supers! You can't--You can't let them go off! You have to tell me where they are. You're going to ruin this entire city and all the lives in it! Why the fuck would you even stand behind this?"

Wraith's fists clenched. "I see you still don't understand."

"WE UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY!" Ghost screamed, launching herself forward. Wraith caught her by the throat, squinting. She shoved the girl back and stepped up to Sidestep with a chuckle. Polar tried to step between them, but got pushed back.

"You're working with the same super who framed you? She's a murderer, and you're lecturing ,e about morality? This scum--"

Blazing scoffed, placing her hands on her knees as she leaned forward like she was talking to a dog. "Scum? That's rich coming from you. You're a super too, or did you forget that?"

Wraith scoffed. "I'm not a criminal."

I scoffed too. "Pot, kettle, bitch."

"You're a hypocrite," Glacier deadpanned.

"And you're a supervillain."

I let out a tsk, the sound catching Wraith's attention. "Better to be a criminal than a mass murderer."

Wraith sighed. There were only five other Saviors in the room, including her. It wouldn't be a fair fight by a long shot.

I continued forward, flames licking up at my feet, orange and blue.

"Let's make this clear. We'll unmask you, publicly, before we make your execution the most reported incident in super history should you fail to comply."

Wraith grinned. "You think you can beat me?"

"I know we can."

Wraith glanced down at my feet before sauntering forward. She was taller, not by much, but up close I could see the crow feet in the creases of her eyes. Noticed one or two gray hairs in her ponytail. She had age on me, weight too, but I was younger and had more endurance. Probably a better power set too, only being that it was easier to replenish energy.

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