Chapter Five

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I know everybody is ecstatic that things are being written from my perspective again and all, since Nic insists that his perspective in this book is important, but I'm in a bit of a crisis right now. A really big crisis because THERE'S A FUCKING TIGER READY TO EAT ME! What was I even suppose to do in this situation? Scream? Run? Cry?

Ginger and I are doing all three.

"I HATE RUNNING!" Nic screamed.

"SAME!" I shouted back, not daring to look behind me. Obviously, the tiger was faster than us, but all we had to do was outrun the other civilians. It would be a piece of cake.

Pretend you think I really think that.

Fun fact; I'm fast, but I can't run for very long. I stopped to catch my breath, sending a quick glance behind me. Even more animals were out of their enclosures now.

Nic grabbed my arm and started yelling. "Come on! We're going to die if we stand around, so let's go!"

I was too distracted by the three gorillas I saw running around to really care about what he just said. I just knew I couldn't run. "Carry me."

Nic swept me off my feet after giving me a puzzled look. "Wait, why can't you just walk?"

I got dropped and hauled to my feet, then dragged towards the exit. We just stopped to catch our breaths again when that stupid, platinum blonde bimbo stepped in front of us.

"Damn, lady, how are you so fast?" I muttered.

Evergreen smirked, tilting her head. A green snake was snaking around her arm, pun intended. "Where are you two headed? You're missing all the fun."

"Set her on fire," I whispered to Nic. He swatted me away.

Guess I'll just have to freeze her.

"Let us leave," Ginger demanded.

Evergreen groaned. She looked young, maybe a little older than me. It was hard to tell with her mask, but I didn't miss the way her eyes darted behind us and filled with annoyance.

Not that I'm the best expert when it comes to suit design, but she really needed a better mask. Maybe one with lenses.

"Looks like TVAH is getting better with their response time," Evergreen muttered.

Nic glanced behind me. "Oh, great."

I followed his gaze to a hero I could have sworn I'd seen before. His suit was awful, made up of jeans, a bright blue hoodie, and a mask I could tell was digging into his face. He didn't have a cape but his hood was pulled over his head like it might offer more protection to his secret identity.

"Evergreen!" Mr. Lameass called. "What're you doing?"

As if that isn't obvious.

I took a step back and surveyed the area, wondering which way we should run. I could see a few other vigilantes helping people evacuate or stopping animals from attacking people. Most of the animals seemed docile, if I'm being honest, but I wasn't taking chances.

Nic snorted and said what I was thinking. "I think it's pretty obvious." I jabbed him in the ribs. "Hey!"

I paled when I heard something roar from behind us. I knew it was that damn tiger, but I still turned around to check anyway. It wasn't close yet, but it was making its way towards us. I took a step closer to Nic because I was going to have to outrun him, and if need be, push him while I made a break for it.

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