Chapter Ten

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I knew it was probably the worst idea I'd ever had, but despite knowing that, I tried freezing my pencil in my hand anyway. Nothing happened.

My powers are gone. What's happening?

"Aren't you cold in those shorts?" Chloe asked, her eyes narrowing in a way that made me feel not only uncomfortable, but stressed. She walked over and sat down beside me.

Fear was making my heart skip a few beats while it felt like my stomach was sinking. I gave her a nervous grin and said, "Just a little bit."

What in the name of all that's super is happening?

I didn't feel like this until Chloe showed up. I think my powers were still working earlier. Weren't they? Did the school install power dampeners? It can't be Chloe. No. I'm just being an idiot. I could just be sick. Would my powers just disappear if I was sick? This doesn't make any sense!

I stood up, marching passed Chloe as I hurried over to the teacher's desk. "Can...May I use the bathroom?"

My teacher sighed as she handed me the pass. "Go ahead."

I turned and jumped, coming face to face with Chloe. She smiled and sidestepped me, then asked the same thing.

"Hurry up," our teacher responded.

I speed-walked into the hallway, tensing up because Chloe was only a few steps behind me.

Why are you so nervous around Blonde Girl?

I opened the door to the bathroom on the third floor and stepped inside. I didn't get another step in before I was yanked back. I dropped the pass as Chloe clasped her hand over my mouth. I started flailing and tried screaming as she shut the door and locked it with her free hand.

Okay, you were right to be nervous.

Chloe slammed my back against the wall, still covering my mouth with one hand. In a split second, she pulled a knife out of thin air and had it pressed against my throat.

Who the fuck is this girl and why the fuck does she have a knife?

"If you scream when I take my hand off your mouth, I'm going to slit your throat," Chloe warned, giving me a wary stare before doing just that. Taking her hand off my mouth, not slitting my throat. I wouldn't be telling you all this if the latter happened. "Let's talk."

I felt my eye twitch.

Talk? What the Hell are you on, crazy?

"Talk about what?" I finally managed out, hyperaware of the cool metal pressing against my throat.

Chloe didn't smile like I was expecting her to. There was no smugness there. Her eyes were blank and impassive, like this was an old routine she was sick of.

"Your alias is Glacier," Chloe said. "I already know why, but just tell me why you were at TVAH the other week."

I gulped. "Fun?"

Well, shit.

"There's no point in trying to lie." Chloe sighed and took a step back, letting me go.

I rubbed my throat and glanced at the door.

"Don't bother, I'll have this knife in your back before you even touch the lock. Like I was saying, I know just about everything there is to know about you, so lying is pointless. Your friends too. I know that Nic Grant is Inferno, that Luna Mills is Ghost, that Zachary Riaz is Riptide. That the H-"

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