Chapter Fourteen

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Why the fuck isn't Kyle answering? Is he heading to the apartment right now? He could at least talk to me on the way there. Does this thing even work?

For some freaky reason, jazz music was playing in the background. The entire store was dark too, the only light coming from the moon outside.

This really throws off the mood. Or maybe it doesn't. I feel like I'm a horror movie.

Blazing's attitude shifted as she took in my costume. "Hello, little bird."

"Hello, little Candle Girl," I jeered.

"Wrong day to play hero," Polar chimed in.

I glanced between the two of them.

These two are easily the most dangerous supers in the city, if we exclude the Saviors entirely. They're worse than Cyanide before the second chemical spill, for crying out loud! Being drugged by Bliss would be safer than trying to fight these two.

A forced smile graced my face.

This is just like fighting Inferno. And myself. If we were taller. If I act confident, maybe they'll back off.

"It seems like the perfect day to me," I replied in a hushed tone, a sharp edge clear in my voice. "I'm wearing a mask, after all. I won't hold back."

Before either of them could respond, I launched an icicle at Polar. He caught it right before it went into his chest, eyes wide.

Then he smirked, making my stomach churn. "Glacier."

"What, do you want me to clap?" I snarled, cold coming off of me in waves.

This fucking jazz music.

Blazing's hands shot out, sending bright blue flames hurtling towards me. I threw up a wall of ice and rolled to the side as it quickly melted. I froze Blazing's feet to the floor without even looking, then pushed myself up and found myself staring into the eyes of a terrified kid.

I looked towards the exit, then back at the two villains.

"Run," I mouthed, knowing she wouldn't hear me over the jazz music unless I raised my voice, and I didn't want to alert Polar or Blazing.

The girl nodded as her mother pulled her closer. I threw up another ice wall near the exit, then shot ice at Blazing. They melted before they touched her.

The civilians streamed out of the building as Polar started towards me. I grabbed his arm and shoved him down onto the floor.

"Glacier?" I jumped as Kyle's almost breathless voice came into my comm. "I'm sorry I-"

"What's your code name?" I interrupted.

"What?" Blazing asked the same time Kyle stuttered out, "I...Um...I don't know. Er...Satan Spawn."

I made a face. "I guess coming up with things on the spot isn't your strong suit."

Polar and Blazing exchanged a glance like they were trying to decide if I was insane or not.

"What's the situation, Glacier?" our dearest Satan Spawn asked.

"Yeah, she's fucking bonkers," Polar decided from the floor.

Blazing nodded in agreement. "Now I feel bad. Who wants to fight a crazy person? That just seems morally corrupt."

"Fuck you," I seethed.

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