Chapter Nine

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The next few days were uneventful. Nic made a report to TVAH after we ran into Cyanide at the river, but TVAH hadn't found anything yet.


I shot Nic a glare from across the lunch table. "You're about to make this awkward, aren't you?"

"Do you want to kiss again sometime?"

I was sure my face was bright red. "Why are we scheduling it?"

"Wouldn't it be creepy if I kissed you without warning?"

I shrugged, setting my smoothie down after taking a sip. "Fair point, but I'm always down with you kissing me."

I cringed as soon as I said that. In my head, it sounded smooth.

Nic snickered. "Aww, Catalina! I think you have a little crush on me."

"You're the one trying to schedule a kiss! Who even does that?!"


I rolled my eyes and stole one of his Cheetos. "How about after school? You can walk me to my house."

"That sounds good to me, KitKat Bar."

"Nic, I swear I'll start calling you Ginger again," I threatened.

Nic slapped my hand away as I reached for another Cheeto.

I frowned. If I was being honest, I didn't know what we were, but I knew one thing. People who are just friends don't kiss each other.


"Yes, Cat?"

"Are we...What are we? Are we dating?"

Nic choked on his water and spit it out all over the table as he went into a coughing fit. I gave him a nasty look as he stared at me in surprise. "I don't know. Are we?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you!"

"Then don't know either!"

Somebody dropped their tray down on the table, sending a spray of the water Nic spit up at me. I jumped and looked over to see Kyle.

In case anybody is confused, I also referred to Kyle as Blonde Boy awhile back. Again, not to be confused with Blondie because Blondie is Zack.

Kyle was the peppiest kid in the whole school, maybe rivaled by Cassandra Hail. Then again, despite her sunny disposition, Cassandra got into a lot of fights. I think that means the title goes to Kyle. I got along with both of them, though I wouldn't exactly call them friends.

Kyle was a junior and apparently had his license, which I was jealous of. I didn't even have my permit yet.

"What's up, Cat?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing much," I replied, using my napkin with wipe up the water.

Kyle offered me his brownie, which I graciously accepted.

"Hey, stranger," Nic said, surprisingly not as bitchy as he usually was to new people.

Kyle looked between the two of us. "Hey, you must be Nic."

I looked away as Nic narrowed his eyes and shot me a confused glance.

"Cat is always talking about you," Kyle explained, like that would make what he just said less creepy. I winced. "Like, she won't ever shut up about you. I'm surprised you haven't asked her to homecoming yet."


Kyle paled. "You two are dating...right?"

Alright, guys. Everybody else in this damned city can think I'm an idiot, and you have a right to, but I feel the need to explain. I just told Kyle I was dating Nic so it didn't seem like I was obsessed with him.

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