Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Catalina!" I exclaimed, catching her arm as she turned into the stairwell.

She jumped and spun around to face me before a glare set in. She pried my hand off her arm, gripping my hand until I hissed in pain.

"Oh, shit. Sorry!" She pulled her hand away.

"Were you trying to break something?"

Like how you broke my h-Shut the fuck up, me.

"I'm so sorry about what I said the other day," I rushed out. "I never should have said any of that to you. You didn't deserve that. I was just upset you didn't believe me. It wasn't right. It was immature, and mean, and-"

"What I said was worse," she mumbled.

"So we're both sorry and we can talk about it now!" I exclaimed, sounding a bit too hopeful. She only stared in response. I gave a nervous laugh. "We don't have to talk about the fight yet. Uh, we could talk about which costumes to go to the dance in. Personally, I'm opposed to the Lilo and Stitch outfits but-"

"I never said I was sorry."

Agitation seeped through my veins. "...So you aren't sorry?"

She crossed her arms. "Why would I be?"

"Because you hurt me and when you hurt somebody you care about you're supposed to be sorry!" I snapped. "I know it wasn't just you, I'm just as much to blame. But you have to own up to what you did too."

Catalina pushed me away. "Well, again, I never said I was sorry! Just because you want me to be doesn't mean I can force myself to."

"Listen. I can't help it that you act like a five year old when you feel guilty, but you don't need to take it out on me. Grow up."

Shock crossed her face. I turned away, stomach lurching.

"Nic, wait-"

Drool pooled in my mouth as my feet turned down the hall. With a gag, I entered the first classroom that was open and rushed over to the trashcan just as my stomach twisted. I launched everything I'd eaten for breakfast into the trash.

I really hope she didn't follow me and see that.

Catalina stood in the doorway, watching me with wide eyes. "Are you okay?"


I sighed. "I think I'm going to go to the nurse."

Catalina nodded and handed me a water bottle from her bag, which I gratefully accepted and downed in a few gulps. When she left, I called my mom and started walking in the direction of the office.

"I puked," I said. "Can you come get me?"

"Damnit, Nic." I heard her mutter something under her breath. "Yeah, kiddo, I'll be there in twenty. Make sure the nurse gives you an excused absence."

She got there in fifteen, walking into the building and approaching the attendance office while I watched from the nurse's. I grabbed my stuff, then headed over to her.

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