Chapter Twenty Three

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I was still pissed about the traffic incident. Luna's entire presence had me grinding my teeth together, but she was in my house anyway, along with Zack, Kyle, and Catalina.

"This looks weird," my girlfriend noted as she made another line connecting two note cards on the board. "I feel like that one guy from that one meme."

Oh, right. I forgot to tell you readers we became an item between these last few chapters. You snooze, you lose, I suppose.

I'm kidding. You're all so gullible.

"Personally I feel like a stalker," Zack mumbled. Kyle stumbled into the basement with a plate of nachos and two sodas. "Did you text The Evil One Who Shall Not Be Named In Fear Of Invoking Her Wrath?"

Luna looked up with a grin and outstretched her hands eagerly. Kyle sighed and sat beside her before handing her the plate.

Catalina rolled her eyes. "Yes, I texted Chloe."

Zack shrieked. I smacked him in the stomach and shook my head.

Catalina gave him a long look before continuing. "I asked if we were free to talk about chess. She said she already took care of whoever was listening in on us. Still kind of confusing considering she threatened me about that in the bathroom once, but whatever. We can talk about the Saviors freely, not that it stopped us before. So long as we don't pull a Night or Dark Skies and start calling each other by our real names in public, I think we're good."

I frowned. "Didn't you-"

"Fuck off, Ginger."

Zack leaned back and stared up at the ceiling. "Okay, my mind is breaking trying to process this information. Read off what we already have on the board."

"Okay, but I stumble over the text when I read stuff out loud and I talk monotone. Maybe somebody else should do it," Catalina replied.

I pulled the board over to me and cleared my throat. "So far we know that Chloe works for the Saviors, and that she's the Spider, but she's probably trying to help us. Scarlet Cat is nearly another ally at this point too. Cyanide has no connection to any of this, besides Chloe wanting to get the files for Oleander and Viper. They're still sketchy as fuck, though. Cassandra Hail is Roulette, was a former hero, and works with White Reaper. Both of them like to kill people. Yay! Sofia Hail knows you're Glacier but gives zero fucks apparently. Lucca Whoever-The-Fuck can alter out memories and made us forget about that van thing. Our entire board could be a lie and we wouldn't know."

Silence followed.

I coughed. "Right. But probably not. So, anyway, we know Luna over here let Sidestep go down for killing Outpour when in fact Luna killed him. And that Sidestep worked with Polar Ice and Blazing Sun to break out of the facility she was put in."

Luna looked down. Kyle patted her back while Zack looked away in disgust.

"It's safe to assume both those assholes are working for the Saviors. Not sure about Sidestep. Oh, and we also wrote...Who wrote that I'm sketchy, manipulative, and a blackmailing bastard?"

There was a silence around the room.

Zack glanced up. "You can't tell me it's not true."

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