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Stupid ferret!

Those were the only thoughts I wasted on Hyunjin. I couldn't even put into words how this guy drives me crazy.

Who does he think he is?

Ever since the students gave him the title "The Prince" he has been acting totally arrogant. The title "Lord of the Idiots" would fit him better.

I was more known as the nerd and was treated like one. Wherever it was possible, people made fun of me. I was also often bumped into on purpose in the school corridors and just let it get over me. After all I was a model student and the teachers expected a lot from me. So if I started beating people up, that would be the end of me.

Besides, I hate violence.

Hyunjin and I couldn't stand each other to death and everyone at school knew that by now.

There was not a day, where he didn't get on my god damn nerves. If he would stop with all this bullshit, I would have buried this stupid grudge a long time ago. He was just an annoying little ferret who enjoyed making my life miserable. But since I never like to let something do anything they want with me, he always gets it back 100%.

Annoyed and completely frustrated I made my way to the teachers' room to hand in my missing documents. Thanks to this complete idiot I couldn't hand in my work completely, which the teacher didn't like at all.

Why did this guy had to go to my bag and throw my stuff into this stupid container?

It was not easy to find these documents, because the container was full of other old paperwork.

Just you wait Hyunjin...

With a loud snort I walked on and then stopped in front of the teacher's room I knocked a few times until, fortunately for me, my teacher was standing in front of me I had to hand in the missing documents.

"Please excuse me Sir!" I bowed and held out my missing documents to him.

Cautiously I raised my head.

Mr. Kim eyed me with a critical expression for a moment and then took the documents from me. He nodded with a slight smile and thanked me for bringing them by, then closed the door again.

"Oh man..." a relieved sigh left my mouth and I turned away from the teachers' room to go to class, which fortunately hadn't started yet.

My Math teacher could be really creepy and his smile was anything but genuine. Sometimes I think that this guy is just waiting for me to make a mistake and he got that today thanks to Hyunjin.

Just thinking about his name makes me want to puke. Why did I have to have such a guy in my life? After elementary school I thought I got rid of him forever, but I was very wrong. Not only did he go to the same school as me, but he was also in my class.

It couldn't have come worse.

When I arrived in front of the classroom I went directly to my seat, which was in the second row. When I entered the room I saw Hyunjin grinning stupidly at me while leaning against his chair. He was sitting exactly one row behind me and even though there was an empty row in the last corner, he had chosen the seat behind me.

I gave him an annoyed look and stuck my tongue out at him briefly, which made him laugh slightly.

With a leap, I dropped into my chair and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"You're tense." my orange haired friend noted, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"The ferret has played another stupid trick on me." I explained my behavior to Felix and he nodded understandably.

Felix had been my best and actually only friend since high school. Unlike me he was just as popular with the girls as Hyunjin, only that he didn't care.

The girls were totally blown away when it came to Felix. Well, who wouldn't? The freckle-faced boy with orange hair and an unusually deep voice was something special. On top of that, he came from Australia and was a very good dancer.

He went to the dance club just like Hyunjin and Minho and I felt more than sorry for him even though he kept saying that it wasn't that bad.

I, on the other hand, went to the film club far away from Hyunjin. I didn't really need to see him in the club activities as well.

"What was it this time?" inquired Felix curiously and I sighed heavily.
"He threw my documents for Mr. Kim in the container."

"How mean..." Felix contorted his face in pity and turned around for a moment - probably looking at Hyunjin.

Just you wait you stupid ferret.
Not with me.

Before I could continue my revenge plans our class teacher Ms. Lee came in the room and immediately began with the English lesson.

While I was busy with my notes I felt every time how small paper balls bounced against my head and then fell to the ground.

I knew exactly who it was.

Irritated I pressed my pen harder on my notebook and for a moment I thought I was about to drill it through the table.

One paper ball after the other followed until I had enough.

"Can you just-" just as I was about to turn around a ball landed in my face and I stayed silent for a second.

I heard a slight laugh and although I had closed my eyes for a moment out of reflex I knew exactly who was laughing so stupidly.

"That's not funny!" I hissed as Hyunjin eyed me with an amused grin and kept suppressing a laugh.

Annoyed by his childish manner I turned back around to complete my writing.
But as soon as I had turned around it started all over again.

"You little-" my voice got louder and my teacher caught me shouting in the moment.

"Seungmin turn back around right now and don't interrupt the class!" she admonished me, looking at her indignantly.

"He started it after all!" I pointed at the blond-haired guy behind me who was just innocently looking around, putting on his angelic face.

"Same goes for you Hyunjin." admonished Ms. Lee to the real Offender who only responded with a growl.

With a triumphant grin I turned back around and I could briefly see how Hyunjin give me a angry look in the corner of my eye.

What did he expect?

After the lesson was over Felix and I made our way towards the door since we had class in another room now. I hated this constant changing of rooms. Why couldn't we just stay in one room?

Annoyed I straightened my backpack, which slipped off of my shoulder a bit.

"Don't pull such a face" Felix started to laugh.
"You'll only get wrinkles otherwise." He added and tapped against my forehead and I pushed his hand out of my face laughing.

As I was about to leave the room with Felix, I heard Ms. Lee calling for Hyunjin in the background.

I wonder what she wanted from him?

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