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After I left the club room I was intercepted directly by Mark and Jackson.

As if I didn't have enough problems with that stupid ferret, of course they had to show up right in front of me.

I knew exactly what was going to happen and luckily for me, that prediction came true.

The two of them still had a score to settle with me because back then, thanks to Hyunjin, they couldn't beat me up for their own good.

But this time, no ferret was here to save me.

With no other choice, I just let it wash over me and took every single punch.

So after they were done using me as a punching bag they just left me there. I luckily only had a few scrapes and a bleeding nose but it still hurt like hell. Since I didn't really have much time until class started I just went to the bathroom to wipe off the blood. Of course, you could still clearly see that my injuries didn't come from anywhere.

So I went back to the classroom and as expected the whispering of my classmates started. To be honest, it was not the first time I had entered the room like that.

In the corner of my eye I could see Hyunjin looking at me with shocked eyes but I didn't even think to look at him.

With a sigh, I sat down next to the orange-haired one, who immediately took my face in his hands and looked at my injuries.
"What happened to you?!" carefully he stroked my scrape on my temple which hurt quite a bit.
"Jackson and Mark intercepted me coming out of the club room." I explained to Felix and he shook his head.
"I'll take care of them." before Felix could get up I pulled him back into the chair and looked at him with a pleading look.

He knew full well that I didn't want him messing with them. Felix wasn't exactly the athletic type and would never stand a chance against the two of them. Besides, I didn't want him to put himself in danger because of me.

When the teacher entered the classroom her eyes landed directly on me and she looked at me with a horrified expression.
"Seungmin, what happened to you?" she took a few steps towards me and eyed my injuries.
"It's all right." I shook my head and she started to sigh.

Without another word she turned away from me again and began her lesson.

After the school day was slowly coming to an end I left the classroom together with Felix. I said goodbye to him because I had to go to the club room again because I still had to revise the script.

So I went into the clubroom and looked for the script, which I had put somewhere on the shelves.

But I was interrupted when I heard someone enter the club room.

I turned to the door and saw Hyunjin enter the room and look at me with his arms crossed.

Without saying a word I turned away again and continued looking for the script.

Surely it must be here somewhere?

"Who was that?" Hyunjin voice sounded behind me, my back still turned to him. I didn't even think to turn to him let alone give him an answer.

"Damn it Seungmin!" his voice grew louder and I flinched in shock.
Slowly I turned around and looked into the angry almost black eyes of my counterpart.

There was a stifling silence until I began to laugh slightly.

Hyunjin's eyes narrowed and I looked him straight in the eye.
"Why do you care?" I crossed my arms and stood there stubbornly.
"We're not friends." I quoted him from yesterday and I saw Hyunjin lose all composure.

All this time it was him saying that we're not friends and strangers don't interfere in other people's lives.

So why did he do it all the time?

All this time he was making me feel like we could put this all behind us and then he starts treating me like crap again.

Kind of ironic.

Since there was no more reaction from Hyunjin I turned away from him again without giving him another glance. But at the same moment I heard loud footsteps coming towards me. I immediately turned around and saw Hyunjin coming towards me. I directly took a few steps back until the table behind me blocked the escape route.

He placed his hands on the table to my left and right so I had no way to dodge. His brown eyes looked directly into mine and I could see exactly in his gaze how remorse and anger were reflected in it.
His hot breath bounced directly against my skin and gave me goosebumps, just like back then.

I pressed my hands against his chest to push him away from me, but to no avail.
"Leave me alone already!" I pressed out under a trembling voice.

This guy was driving me crazy.

"We may not be friends but I would still never let anyone hurt you."

Immediately, my eyes shot up to look at him in horror.

So he would never let anyone hurt me, huh?

I couldn't help but laugh and Hyunjin looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"You would never let anyone hurt me?" I repeated his sentence, my gaze still fixed on him.
"You just left me there that time when those two beat me up in front of you!" I yelled at him, finally able to ball my anger against his head.
"That was the only reason why I despise you so much!"

I saw exactly how Hyunjin's eyes filled with emptiness because he knew exactly that I was right. He released both arms from the table and took a few steps away from me.
"I'm sorry." he muttered and I looked at him in disbelief.

Did he seriously think he could fix everything with an "I'm sorry"?

"Are you serious?" Sarcastically, I started laughing while just shaking my head.
Hyunjin didn't seem to want to say another word, so I just walked past him.

"I was scared!"

my hand was already clutching the door handle as Hyunjin shouted these words after me.

"Never would I have wanted those two assholes to even touch you but I was only 13 at the time, I wanted to help you, I really did. But I was a coward and couldn't. I know that doesn't justify anything in any way."
There was silence for a moment as he started talking again.
"I'm really sorry and I just hope you can forgive me for that someday." he added and then there was silence.

"So why have you been ignoring me all this time?" now I was the one to say something for once and I turned to Hyunjin.

He averted his gaze for a moment and looked to the ground.

I could see clearly that he was chewing nervously on his lower lip and I could already guess that I wouldn't get an answer to my question.
"If you really want me to forgive you then prove it to me." those were the last words I said to Hyunjin before I finally pushed the door handle down and left the room.

While I knew he meant every word he said, this was my way of punishing him for his stupid behavior.

He wasn't the type to just say anything without really meaning it.

Still, I didn't want to forgive him just like that.

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