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Although our relationship had improved quite a bit, Hyunjin was still the same annoying ferret as before.

Wherever he could, he would said stupid things.

"Cut!" that was the end of our last scene for our short film.
"Finally over." Hyunjin stretched and then came up to me.
"You did well." I praised him and he smiled proudly.
"Had an excellent teacher." he turned to Jisoo,
who was clearing the set with the others.

An uncomfortable feeling spread through me and I tried to get rid of it as quickly as possible.
"Right." I put on a pained smile and Hyunjin eyed me skeptically, but said nothing.

I was glad that Jisoo taught him because thanks to her he could used his whole potential and did a great job.
But somehow it makes me kinda... uneasy?

After we all cleaned up the movie set together Hyunjin and I went straight to our cafe where I tutored him. We were both pretty exhausted from the day but the tutoring was necessary if Hyunjin wants to do better in school.

He has definitely improved a lot and he is now even learning on his own at home. If I'm honest I actually enjoy teaching this ferret. He was a really good listener and tried to implement everything I taught him. Even if it doesn't work the first time he doesn't give up.

"The best thing for you to do now is to start with the grammar." I pushed my English notes to him which he accepted with a critical look. Immediately I realized that he had absolutely no idea what was written there. So I took the sheet back to me and got a blank one so that I could explain the grammar rules to him directly.

To my amazement Hyunjin understood pretty quickly and was able to apply the grammar directly to the next tasks I provided him.
"I'm sure your children won't need a teacher later on when they have you as their father." Hyunjin started laughing and I had to smile a bit as well.
"You're really a superbly good explainer, I'll give you that." Hyunjin praised me and I was really glad that I was such a help to him.

"Have you ever thought about your future?" he suddenly asked and I looked at him in surprise for a moment before shrugging my shoulders.
"If I'm honest, I don't have any dreams." I explained to Hyunjin who nodded understandably.
"The most important thing for me was always getting good grades but I had never really thought about what I wanted to do when I grew up. I have a huge passion for movies but do I want to do that as a profession later...? I don't know." I explained further, looking thoughtfully out the window.
"Well..." Hyunjin's voice caught my attention.
"It's best to just follow your heart and do what feels right for you." he gave me a quick smile which I returned.

He could be really insightful sometimes and always had the right words at the right time per advice.
"What about you?" I asked him the same question and he leaned back in his chair and looked up.
"I'd like to open my own dance studio. I would like to show people how much feeling and emotion you can express with just one movement and that you don't always need words to communicate. Often the mere movements of your body are enough and others understand you." explained Hyunjin and I nodded.
"You really are a poeth." I started laughing and Hyunjin eyed me with a bored look.
"Ha-ha..." he only replied and then returned to his tasks.

Our lesson was interrupted when suddenly my cell phone started ringing. Hyunjin eyed my every move as I reached for my phone.
"Hello?" I answered the phone call.

"Hey Minnie it's Felix."

"Oh, hey Felix, what's up?"

"Minho and I were thinking of having a gamer's night together tonight and you're invited - or rather, you have no choice." Felix explained to me over the phone and a sigh escaped me.

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