2 - Wake Up With Amnesia

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Wee-woo, Wee-woo  The sounds of police sirens went, as they patrolled the perimeter.

Mentally cursing in his head, Komiodo used his quirk to propel him away from where he had done his horrible deed just a few seconds prior.

'Sorry, but calling for backup was a waste of time and your life Himawari,' The killer thought, giving a maniacal smile at the quickly disappearing images of the police. 'Because no one ever catches me.'


Shinsou burst through the doors of the hospital ward, looking around with worry. "Where is he?" Shinsou all but cried, running up to Vlad King. "What happened to him? Is he? Did he? What about the hero-"

Vlad King sighed and put a hand on Shinsou's shoulder, rubbing it in a way the Blood Hero hoped was comforting.

"Monoma's alive. As for Himawari..." Vlad King coughed. "The villain didn't show any mercy."

Shinsou nodded as Aizawa and Yamada ran into the room after him, looking worried as well.

"Hitoshi!" The raven haired man admonished. "Don't run off like that, okay?"

Shinsou sniffles, as he wipes a few tears that had fallen. "Sorry Dad. I-I just wanted to see Monoma."

The older male's voice took on a softer tone. "I know you do, but Recovery Girl and the other medical professionals have to work on him right now, and I don't think you'd want to watch."

Shinsou nodded again, and he let himself be wrapped up in Aizawa's hug, nuzzling the man's scarf.

He felt like a lost child all over again.


"How long has it been?"

"5 days. That's a pretty long while to be asleep."

"I'm just worried for Shinsou, y'know? He seems even more gloomier than usual, and those eye bags have gotten more pronounced. Do you think he even sleeps anymore?"

Mina sighed and shrugged. "I don't know Kami. All we can do is to help him get through this. He and Monoma were like best friends, so it must be hard for him. Imagine how you'd feel if Sero suddenly got hit by a villain and nearly died?"

Kaminari nodded. "We'll also have to be there for 2 - B. Tetsutetsu hasn't been as enthusiastic as before, and he always rejects everything Kiri and I try to do for him."

"Exactly. All we can do now is wait."




Shinsou looked up from where he was doing his assignment. "Yes Dad?"

Aizawa sighed. "You can visit him tomorrow evening after school, since it's Friday. I know you've been wanting to check up on him, so I think it'll do you some good to see how he is."

Shinsou gave a small smile of gratitude, before he frowned. "But," he started softly, "but what if I don't wan to know? What if it's bad news?"

Aizawa gave another sigh, but it seemed more forlorn than the last one. "Hitoshi, if there was any bad news, Recovery Girl would have told us. Even if there is, you'll always lose people in life, what matters is whether you let their sacrifices be in vain or not. I've lost someone too, and nearly broke down, but with friends with me, I was able to overcome and become a hero for the person I've lost. I'm not saying the pain will ever fully fade, but at least you can feel at ease that you've done something to make them proud."

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