13 - Tell Me You're Doing Fine

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Shinsou walked in front of the group, Kendo and Monoma following him carefully.

He turned when he made it to where the path started, and the two Class B students behind him did the same.

"I've never been on this path before." Kendo commented. "You said you came here a lot?"

Monoma nodded. "Yup."

"You said someone was there too. Do you think it's Shinsou?" The orange haired girl asked, as they approached their destination.

"It's the most logical option I guess, since he's the only one I can't remember." Monoma replied.

The blond could see Kendo's eye twitch at the lie, but he decided to ignore it.

They arrived at the lake soon enough, and Kendo let out a small gasp of awe. "Now I see why you come here a lot!" She exclaimed, looking at her reflection in the body of water.

Monoma nudged her arm with his elbow. "I think we came here for something, right?" He gritted out to her in a whisper, using the side of his mouth.

Kendo sent him a half disappointed - half regretful look, before nodding slowly.

"So Shinsou," Monoma started, "I was talking to Kendo earlier, and we have something to say."

Shinsou looked up from where he was examining some iris flowers- Hanashobu if Monoma remembered correctly.

It's the same flower he used to confess to me... Monoma thought.

"What is it?" Shinsou asked unenthusiastically.

As Monoma worked up the nerve to finally say it- Why was it so hard? He had practiced this for days!- A new voice piped up.

"Hey everyone!" Tetsutetsu grinned, arriving on the scene. "I've never seen this place, how did you find this Monoma?"

Monoma, shocked, could only mumble unintelligible nonsense as Tetsutetsu walked over to Kendo.

"Sorry to burst in like this, but I need help on that math assignment from Vlad-sensei, and Kendo said she would help me." Tetsutetsu said, grabbing Kendo's hand. "I'll see you later?"

"Later." Shinsou sighed, as Monoma became able to form sentences again.

Tetsutetsu waved goodbye as Kendo smirked at Monoma, and then they were gone.

"What the fuck." Monoma stated, sitting on the wood log nearby, it's hard but surprisingly comfortable surface giving Monoma some comfort..

Shinsou shrugged. "I'm going to head back to the dorms. Not like there's anything left to do here anyway."

Just talk to him. Monoma could hear Kendo's voice ringing in his ears, somehow like some kind of godmother from Cinderella, or whatever princess shit contains floating heads that talk to you..

Shaking his head, Monoma focused back on what he wanted to say.

"Wait." Monoma commanded.

Shinsou stilled, before turning back. "What is it? I don't have all day."

Monoma swallowed nervously- Why? No, why was he nervous? Shinsou deserved this- before answering.

"I actually do remember you, Hitoshi." Monoma admitted.

The use of his given name, coupled with the fact that Shinsou's heart had been broken by a lie, a fucking lie, momentarily stopped his brain.

"Shinsou?" Monoma looked up, allowing himself to look at his friend's(?) reaction. "Shinsou, are you alright?"

"You're fucking joking." Shinsou said seriously, coming to. He stared at Monoma dead in the eye, his own indigo eyes pleading. "Tell me you're fucking joking."

Monoma shook his head. "Sorry Shinso, but I'm not. I remember everything, apart from most of what happened during my amnesia period of course."

The lavender haired boy blinked multiple times, as if this was some phenomenon he couldn't believe was real and happening right now.

"So you lied to me?" Shinsou asked, voice always a whisper.

"You did the same thing!" Monoma retorted, arms folding across his chest defensively.

"How?" Shinsou asked, voice becoming more emotional. "Tell me, how?"

"With Kaminari!" Monoma accused. "You thought I wouldn't remember that kiss, didn't you?"

Shinsou stopped at the sudden call out, but quickly shook out of it. "That doesn't matter. You lied, I didn't. If you had just fucking asked, I would have just told you the truth."

Monoma's hands balled up into fists, as he stared at the lake with such intensity it could have evaporated all the water. "Maybe, you would. I believe that, but why kiss him? Was it the amnesia phase? Did you not believe I would make it, so you went on to the next best thing?"

Shinsou looked away. "I fully believed you would make it, I just didn't..."

"Didn't what Shinsou?" Monoma asked, voice raising. "No, tell me! Am I just not worth waiting for? Is that it?"

"I was worried, okay? Do you know how bad you looked, lying on that white hospital bed for almost a week?" Shinsou retaliated.

Monoma tried guilt tripping Shinsou. "So now you're saying I look bad."

Shinsou began to grow agitated. "You know that isn't what I fucking mean!"

"This is exactly why I didn't want to talk with you. 'Go and talk to him, he's your boyfriend!' Kendo says. See what happened now." Monoma said, making a childish impression of Kendo, high voice and everything.

"Well at least one of you has common sense!"

"You think you're such a smartass, don't you? Why would I fucking talk to someone who cheated on me?"

"It's not like we are officially dating, dumbass! I can be with whoever I want!" Shinsou yelled.

Monoma stilled at his words, with Shinsou gasping and covering his mouth as well.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that-"

"All right then." Monoma said, voice tight. "You can be with anyone, even fucking Kaminari. I hope you have fun."

"Monoma wait-" Shinsou said, turning around. He held a hand out to stop Monoma, effectively grabbing his wrist.

However, unlike how most cliche angst - romance stories went, Monoma merely shook off Shinsou's rather light grip.

"No Shinsou, it's fine. I get it." Monoma said, voice tight with unshed tears. "You don't want to be with me, someone who's from Class B, whose quirk relies on others, who acts in such a weird way, when you can be with someone from your class, the amazing Class A, whose quirk is so powerful, who acts like he's so cool. I don't blame you."

Shinsou spoke up again. "Monoma that isn't true-"

"YES IT IS SHINSOU!" Monoma screamed. "Don't you see? No one wants me, no one thinks I'm cool! Do you know I almost gave up on my dream? But then I saw you at the sports festival and thought, 'Hey, if he'll try and reach his goals, I should too!'"

"But it doesn't matter anymore, because when does it ever?"

Monoam quickly wiped the tear that had fallen down his left cheek with his sleeve, before walking away.

Shinsou was left alone in the clearing, left to watch in sadness as his (former?) best friend and more had just left him.

Shit. I really fucked up this time.

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