10 - How Can You Be Fine?

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Monoma quickly opened his eyes, wincing at the sudden influx of light. He sat up to see Recovery Girl and Kendo watching him. Recovery Girl seemed worried, walking off to write something down, while Kendo sighed in relief.

"He's awake, so that means he'll be fine, right?" Kendo asked hopefully.

Recovery Girl shook her head. "It seems that the increased healing speed of his injury has come at a cost."

Kendo looked at the ground. "What kind of cost?"

Recovery Girl looked at Monoma. "Monoma, what happened while you were sleeping earlier?"

The blond looked at the white bed sheets, clad with a white blanket on top, remembering the vivid yet distant memory. "Kendo. All I saw was Kendo. Each memory I had contained her, but some parts were blurry. I couldn't see some faces, and some words kept cutting out. I remember waking up and touching my stopwatch, but I got a horrible headache and went back to sleep."

Recovery Girl hummed. "It's like I predicted. The toll of remembering things at a faster pace is messing with his brain. It's different with every person, but Monoma's case is especially bad. It appears that his symptoms include fevers, increased heart rates, headaches, and sleep terror, hence why he was mumbling 'Kendo' in his sleep." The doctor-nurse explained. "With these kind of reactions, it's safe to say that you can't be out of this infirmary for more than a second." She concluded.

"Is it really that bad?" Kendo mumbled.

"I'm sorry Kendo, but your planned outing with Monoma will have to be postponed for now." Recovery Girl told her.

Monoma raised his head from where he sat on the bed at the words 'planned outing.' "What planned outing?" He asked.

"I wanted to take you out for a walk with me today to get some fresh air, but I don't think that'll be happening." Kendo sighed.

Monoma's eyebrows furrowed. He didn't want Kendo to be unhappy, and the fact it was his fault brew something inside him. Some sort of responsibility that he should make her happy. "I'm fine anyway. I can go with you."

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble young man, but you are most certainly not fine. If I'm not there for another one of your episodes, you could end up damaging your health." Recovery Girl informed.

"I can still go. I remember in one of my memories, Kendo was really fast. I'm sure she'll be able to get me here if that happens." Monoma enlightened.

Catching on to what he was doing, Kendo added, "And we won't be far from the infirmary! We can just take a small walk around here."

"That's what you said about training with him, is it not?" Recovery Girl reminded them.

Kendo's face fell, and Monoma scratched the back of his head. Is it the same training that happened in my dream?

"I'm not sure what you mean by that, but we'll be fine. There's nothing harmless about the ground, is there?" Monoma asked.

Recovery Girl and Kendo shared a look, before the old woman relented. "How about you all just come to the infirmary? That way, any accidents can be taken care of quickly, and I'll be there in time."

Kendo graciously nodded before walking out of the room, leaving Monoma with Recovery Girl, who exhaled another deep breath.

"I hope your class is responsible enough to handle you."


"We're back again!" The dark green haired girl from before said. Monoma noticed her sharp teeth as she grinned, and more people came in.

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