12 - You Didn't Need Them

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Shinsou opened the door to the Aizawa-Yamada residence with a click, closing it behind him. Walking down the hall, he stopped in front of the sitting room to find Shouta and Hizashi waiting for him. There was a smile on Hizashi's face, and an almost exasperated expression on Shouta's.

"Hey, Dad, Pops." Shinsou greeted, sitting down on the couch opposite the one his parents were sitting in. He dropped his bag on the floor, and looked back at them. "So, what're we doing today?"

"Well, it's a surprise!" Hizashi grinned.

Shouta pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let's hope it's a good one. I still don't fully trust you after you took us to that spa."

Hizashi rolled his eyes. "You needed it! Besides, everyone else loved it there, right Hitoshi?"

The lavender haired boy grimaced slightly, remembering the horrible experience that had been that spa. They had tried using something weird to try and remove his eye bags, and it had hurt horribly.

"Yeah..." Shinsou answered, voice trailing off.

"Let's go!" A new voice piped up, and Eri came running into the room. She walked towards Shinsou, and the teen turned to look at her.

"Hey Eri." Shinsou said softly, smiling at the ruby eyed girl.

"Hitoshi!" Eri giggled. "Papa told me where we're going but he said I can't tell you."

The indigo eyed boy turned to look at his blond father, who just winked at him and got up. "Eri's right, there is no time to waste! It's time to get going!"


Shinsou could feel the dread settling into his bones.

"See, it's nothing bad!" Hizashi said, holding Eri's hand. "This way, we all get two of your favorite things- food and cats!" The blond beamed at his son and husband.

Shouta for the most part seemed satisfied, already walking into the building, with Eri and Hizashi following after him.

Is this the same cat cafe Kendo invited me to? Shinsou pondered, as he followed after his family. I hope not, I really don't want to see them today.

It seemed Shinsou had thought too soon, because as soon he had come in as well, he heard someone call out to him.

"Shinsou-kun!" The person greeted, and Shinsou reluctantly turned his face to come face to face with none other than Monoma.

"Hi Monoma." Shinsou said flatly. Of course, he didn't want to warn his parents about the.. crisis that was his love life at the moment, so he would try his best to act indifferent for now.

"I already got a table, though it won't be able to fit everyone." Monoma informed, taking a seat at a nearby booth.

"That's fine." Hizashi told Monoma, taking Eri to the booth right behind the one the younger blond was sitting in. "Shouta, Eri and I will sit here. It'll leave more space for us to play with the cats."

Shinsou tried pleading with his father using his eyes, hoping he would take the hint and let him sit with them, but a hand grabbed his wrist and dragged him in the direction of Monoma's booth.

"I'm so glad you could come here Shinsou, aren't you?" Kendo asked cheerfully.

Someone just end me now, please. Shinsou begged mentally.

Soon, he was sitting beside Kendo and directly in front of Monoma as the blond tried in vain to call the attention of one of the cats. Shinsou had been able to get one to sit in his lap, and he stroked its fur for support as he anticipated the approaching conversation.

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