14 - I'll Admit I Feel Alone

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Monoma sat on his bed, legs pulled up to his chest, arms crossed underneath his knees.

"You should go back." Kendo said, after sitting with him in silence for the past few hours. Once he had made it back, Monoma had told Kendo what had transpired between him and Shinsou, and she had decided to hold him and keep quiet, instead of talking and asking questions immediately.

"I don't want to." Monoma said adamantly. "It's obvious he doesn't want to see me anyway."

"How are you so sure about that? People do stupid things when they're angry." She let him go to look him in the eyes. "Like how lying to Shinsou was a stupid thing. You should apologize."

"He should apologize for what he did." Monoma growled, shoving Kendo away, crossing his arms.

"Do you even know the full story?" Kendo asked, eyes narrowing out of disappointment. "I've seen how Shinsou looked at you, even when you had amnesia. He definitely likes you."

"I do know the true story. He thought I wouldn't remember him, so he decided to get a new boyfriend during that time." Monoma informed her, sneaking a glance at her just to look away again.

"And why did he avoid you after you lied to him?" She questioned.

"Because he could use that as an excuse to stay with Kaminari!" Monoma nearly shouted, getting annoyed of their conversation. He was seeking comfort, not some scolding like one from a mother.

Kendo sighed. "Then why did he agree to come with us? He could have run away before, or simply told you that he was with Kaminari and didn't want to see you again."

"According to Shinsou's words, and I quote, "It's not like we are officially dating, dumbass! I can be with whoever I want!"" Monoma rolled his eyes, throwing up the blanket on his bed and crawling under the covers.

Kendo exhaled another sigh. "And what did he say after?"

Monoma stilled. "H-he said he was sorry, and that he didn't mean to say that..."

"Exactly, I said it before. People do stupid things when they're angry. Maybe he was angry at the fact you lied to him. Maybe if you were more mature about this and just spoke responsibly with him from the beginning, this wouldn't have happened." The orange haired girl folded her arms, fixing him with a stare that just screamed GO AND APOLOGIZE!

"Why did you let me do this then?" Monoma asked, facing his pillow, almost suffocating himself with the fabric of the pillow case.

"I might be your friend, but sometimes you need to make mistakes so that you can learn from them." The teal eyed girl said, "Besides, I tried to stop you, but I know I couldn't have really stopped you, even if I locked you in a room with Shinsou for a few hours."

Monoma squashed his cheek into the pillow, contemplating what his friend had told him. "When Shinsou comes up to me, I'll apologize."

"You're putting the future of your relationship in his hands?" Kendo's eyes widened in surprise.

Monoma sat up, feeling braver. "Exactly. If he really didn't mean it, he'll be the one to come to me."


"What's wrong?" Shouta asked, once Hizashi and Eri had gone to bed. It wasn't too late, but Hizashi had to start his radio show early on Sunday, so he needed to sleep early.

Shinsou looked away. "Nothing."

"You've been off ever since you came back from being out with Kendo and Monoma. Did you commit a crime?" Shouta inquired.

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