~Chapter 1~

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So... this story start after the USJ incident, the same as in cannon except that the day before the USJ All Might send an E-mail to GranTorino, about his successor...

All Might POV:

I was in the teacher lounge, after Aizawa left to go in his classroom, waiting for the bell to ring, when I heard the notification on my PC. When I look to it, it says that I just received an E-mail from...





Deku's POV:

It was the end of the day, I was excited and nervous about the sport festival that will happen in 2 weeks. I was with Uraraka when I received a text from All Might :

All Might: Meet me at the beach, to talk about "it"

Deku: Ok 👌

"S-sorry Uraraka, b-but I have to go" I answer with a slightly blush on my cheeks

"Don't worry deku-kun" she respond with her usual smile

Uraraka's POV:

"Don't worry deku-kun" I respond with a smile and an unnoticed blush on my face 'I wish I could spend more time with him...'

Deku's POV:

'that smile' I thought with a blush on my cheeks

I left my friend, and went to the beach, when I saw All Might waiting for me.

"hello All Might" I said

All Might:"ahh hello young Midoriya"

"So what do you want to talk about ?" i was nervous because i thought that i did something bad.

All Might noticed and quickly said "Don't worry young Midoriya, I just wanted to talked about my old teacher and you. You see, he knows about OFA because he was the one who trained me and helped my mentor."

"Wow, b-but why do you tell me this ?" I asked with a curious tone

All Might:"I was going to say it. I told him about you and the fact that you are my successor, so he wanted to help you for the sport festival !"

"So cool !"

All Might: "hahaha yes, so do you accept ?"

"Of course" I replied with a smile

All Might: "Good, I am going to send you his address, be there tomorrow morning."

"Okay All Might !" I said with excitement

All Might POV:

"bye All Might"

"Bye young Midoriya" *may god protect him from his training* I thought remembering his training

To be continued 

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