~Chapter 2~

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!!! Before we start I have to say that this book contain huge Manga spoiler !!!

!!! Now let's begin !!! 









Midoriya POV:

I was in my way to GranTorino's flat. In my mind I had thoughts like: 'Why is there any info about this hero' or 'What type of hero is he ?' 'He must be so cool' but all my thoughts were pushed away when I was at his door. I knocked on his door. *nothing* I opened it and saw a small man with a cape lying on the floor with blood all other him.

I was scared and shouted. "HE'S DEAD"

He respond with a "No i'm alive."

As i was still scared and confused I yelled. "HE'S ALIVE"

After this he cleaned all the mess and said to me "Sorry for all this mess but I stumbled and drop my sausages with ketchup." 'Weird' I thought.

"Anyway, who are you ?" he asked and I responded by

"I-I a-am Izuku Midoriya from U.A. All Might send me"

"...... Who are you ?" He asked me

I was confused and worried and said:

"S-sorry I have to make a call." I took my phone just before he said:

"I want you to punched me, in order to evaluated how much you have controlled over One For ALL" he said just before I respond he continued by "but before who are you" I was confused and worried and i said :

"Sorry but I can't continue to play games like this, there is not time left for the sport festival and I need to get a better control." I replied and turned to the door just before i opened he respond with.

"Well if that's the case," I turned back and looked at him to see him with a grin "Let's begin"






Midoriya trained for 2 weeks. During these 2 weeks a lot of things but let's summarize this, ok ?

After the 1st day:

Midoriya learned about full cowling the same way that in the anime, trained his body and discovered his new costume. Right now he can use only 5%

After a few days :

Midoriya and Uraraka talked to each other about their training ( deku didn't tell her about full cowling )He 10% OFA

After the 2 weeks :

Deku improved a lot during his 2 weeks and talked a lot to Uraraka, he has also been a bit more muscular and he had learned how to use 25% OFA full cowling. This is the last day...

Deku POV :

I was ready to go until GT (GranTorino) spoke.

"Before you go I want to tell you this" I was curious but before I could think of more he said "Toshi had done a good choice by chose you as the ninth, but don't imitate him too much. Got it ?" I nodded before he continue by

"Who are you ?" What ?? I thought

"I'm Izu—" 'That's it I know what he means !' I thought and eyes widden as realisation. Then a memory hit me, a memory about a particular brunette...

"Deku sounds like you can do it"

"Toshi had done a good choice by chose you as the ninth, but don't imitate him too much. Got it ?"

"I AM DEKU THE NEXT SYMBOL OF PEACE" I said with determination in my eyes 

"Good" he said as he turned away

I turned away, took my baggages and went home





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