~Chapter 13~

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It was dark, very dark. It was, also, silent, calm, almost relaxing.

Toshinori, opened his eyes.

He thought of course of a villain attack/kidnapping.

However, a voice that he knew, replied quickly.

"No, Toshi, you didn't get kidnapped." Nana spoke.

All might was shocked to hear his mentor's voice again. He thought that the next time he would hear her, would be when he would die...

"No, Toshinori you aren't dead." This time, it was the First that spoke.

'Master, Where are we ? Why can't I speak ? Who is—" he was cut short by the first appearing in front of him.

"I'm the 1st user of OFA, the brother of AFO, Yoichi Shigaraki. You are in OFA core. You can't speak in here but we can hear you thoughts." immediately after saying this Toshinori bowed showing his respect to the first. The white man giggled, remembering that Izuku did the same thing, a bit before saying that he could rase his head.

'But what you are doing here if I'm not dead ?' All Might asked to them.

Immediately after asking that, the two predecessors dropped their smiles.

"Toshi... what we are going to tell you is... is... complicated..." she said trying to smile. She tried so hard to not cry.

'What's the matter ?' he asked not knowing why she was in that state.

The first sighed, before he replied.

"It's about AFO and the battle he has with OFA."


Monday's morning, Izuku woke up from a good night of sleep. He was filled with joy. He was happy that he took Ochako out on a date, and he wanted to do it, again.

So he started his morning routine, like the usual.

After eating a small breakfast he decided to go and do his morning training.

He put on his shoes, took his key and opened the door to go outside.


When he was outside, he felt the gentle breeze running through his green hair.

A few people were on the street, the rest of the people were probably sleeping at that time or starting their days.

Nevertheless, he began to run, starting his warm-up.

It was something he usually did, since he began the plan All-Might gave him. At first it was difficult, but he kept doing it, without stopping. As the days went on, it was becoming easier. So easy, that now it was a routine for him.

It, also, helps him relaxing. Since the city is quieter at that time of the day, it helps him being able to think calmly.

Also, he would pass by places that held huge past memories for him.

Some of them were good ones. For example the ice cream shop, where his mother and him would go when they wanted some ice creams.

Just when he thought of those memories, he arrived at his favourite part of the training.

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