~Chapter 9~

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It was monday's morning in Musutafu, the sun was rising, the people were waking up just like the hero-in-training Izuku Midoriya aka Deku. During these three days he mainly trained his second quirk Float and OFA thanks to that he was, now, able to use Float freely. He was also know as the one who defeat Stain or the "I love her" kid.

Izuku woke up and went down stairs hoping Gran Torino would be there, but he wasn't. He decided to eat breakfast. Then, he went upstairs to brush his teeth and to get dressed in his uniform. After, he decided to go down stairs to see if Gran Torino would be there.

The moment he was down stairs he heard the door opening revealing GT with a package. Izuku asked what was in there.

"It's was supposed to be a surprise but here" he then took out a yellow scarf similar to him. "It's the same as my scarf and it was made by the same guy who did mine." he replied making the teen have stars in his eyes. "It's for you, you deserve it, after all of this harsh training and for your progress with OFA"

The hero-in-training teared up and thanked his mentor. He put the scarf in his suitcase where his hero costume was. After saying goodbye to GT, he decided to make his way towards U.A.

When he was in his way to the train station, everybody recognise him as the kid who defeated Stain or the I love her kid.

Some girls even made comment on how he was cute and on how it was a shame that he already loved someone.

All of this made the the teen embarrassed and blushed. It didn't help that Nana was laughing her *ss off, in his mind.

'Nana could you please stop' he asked rather embarrassed.

"Why, cutie~" she replied teasing him.

It worked well, because he blushed more making the people near him looking at him weirdly.

When he arrived at U.A. most of the people glanced towards him. Some because of the video other because he defeated Stain with the help of Endeavor.

But the best reactions were from the people from his class... or worst...

"Midoriya is in love ~!" cooed Toru and Mina, the two "gossip girls" of 1-A.

It, like all the things before, made the teen blush.

His classmates had other reaction, some teased him like Jiro or Sero, some where happy for him that he could confess his love for someone like Denki or Kirishima, Bakugo growled in annoyance, Shoto wasn't interested and Uraraka was a bit sad about it.

They also talked about how Izuku managed to defeat stain with the help of Endeavor. They were all amazed that he fought him.

Soon the day started and continued like the others...

It was the last course of the day, Heroes studies ! They were all excited for it, especially Izuku. Because he could show his skills that he got from Float and his scarf !

He was in the locker room, when he put his yellow scarf on. Kirishima was the first one to talk about it.

"Wow ! A scarf that's so manly dude !" he said with excitement in his voice, making the other guys looking towards him.

"Yeah, I didn't know you had one !" added Kaminari.

Izuku blushed from all of the attention he got before replying. "O-oh. I-it's j-just a gift I received form my mentor" he stuttered a bit.

"Well, I think it's looks good on you" stated Shoto. With soon other guys added their opinion, mainly good one.

Izuku blushed from the praised he receive. It made Bakugo scoff before he declared. "Let's go, extras." as he got out of the room.

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