~Chapter 5~

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I'am back ;)


"Are you ready ?" asks Midnight.

The two nodded in response.


'I don't want to disappoint any of the one that support me. All Might, Mom, my friends, I have to win against Kacchan' he thought as he activated OFA with determination overflowing him.

"2....... "

'That damn nerd made progress. But I will show him that I'm the best here and the next N°1. He don't stand a chance against him. He better go all out with me !!!' he thought as he charged his quirk.


'I WILL WIN !!!' the both thought as they were ready to go all out against the each others.

"BEGIN !!"

In the present:

3rd POV:

After Midnight announcement, Bakugo immediately rushed to Deku with a right hook and some explosions. Midoriya saw this and quickly doge charging OFA at 15%. But the explosion quirk user, just after the attack, went to his opponent with a big explosion. The OFA user quickly doge the explosion and went to attack his childhood 'friend'. This went for some times, the two attacked each other without great success. The two were panting, had bruises,  until... the angry teenager shouted something to his opponent...

"This is it *pant* I will win *pant* Here's my Ultimate Move ! *pant*  " Bakugo yelled to his 'friend'.

"Alright*pant* bring *pant* it !" The green teenager replied determined.

The two went in fighting stance. Bakugo charged his biggest explosion ! Meanwhile, the green haired teen charged OFA at 25%, tiring himself !

"HOWITZER..." shouted Katsuki while preparing his attack at high speed to his opponent.

'This is bad I can't take this explosion. The only thing I can do is to jump. If only I could float or fly...' Thought the OFA user 

Seeing what was coming, Cementoss tried to use his quirk in order to make a wall, to limit the destruction. But without much success.

"IMPACT" yelled Bakugo, releasing a LARGE explosion, destroying the wall made by cementoss.

Immediately, when the explosion reach deku, he took off the ground and jumped high in the air, avoiding the explosion. That of course shocked the crowd, but what shocked the most,  was that....

















.... he was floating !

'I AM FLOATING !!!!' panicked the green boy.

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