~Chapter 3~

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I AM... BACK GUYS !! So let's start with this !!

3rd POV:

1-A and all the other students of U.A. had trained during 2 weeks. They were all ready for this and of course our Cinnamon Roll was there too and he was determined to win this sport festival. But a Half and Half hair had decided to declare war on our one for all user.

Midoryia POV:

"Midoryia" Todoroki called me and continued with "Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you" I was eye widen "but... All Might has his eyes on you, doesn't he ?" I panicked and look down as the others were watching us "I'm not trying to pry about that... but I'm going to beat you" as he finished I still looked down but had a big grin "Is the best in the class making a declaration of war ?" Kaminari said "Hey, hey, hey ! Why are you picking a fight all of sudden ?" Kirishima said as he got up from his sit "Not now, we're about to start" he said as he approached Todoroki but the young boy quickly respond by "We're not here to play at being friends" he walked away and said "So, what does it matter" he was near the door when I looked up with my grin and determinated eyes, that shocked most of the room and said "Todoroki... you're wrong" he stopped walking "You're not the the strongest here, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but all the people here and from the other courses  have been training and had been going past their limits to go to the top. That include me" he turned as I continued "I can't afford to fall behind" I said that with memories overfluding me "I will too go with everything I got... That means the same thing for everybody including you !" 

Most of the class were shocked from this speech, Bakugo was angry. But before more students could speak PresentMic interruped us by "Hey ! Pay attention, audience ! Swarm, mass media ! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the U.A. sports festival is about to begin ! Everybody are you ready ? It's time for the students to enter the 1st year stage !" 




Time skip for the 1vs1 battle of Todoroki and Midoryia, everything is the same as the anime, except that Midoryia went to cheered up the moral of his crush after her battle with Bakugo, during this time skip I offer you a little Flashback !


All Might POV:  

Some hours before the sport festival, I asked Young Midoryia to come to the beach. I was waiting until he arrived. I asked him "How are you ? Did you made any progress with it ?" A wide smile grew on his face as he responded "I'm good. I did but don't worry you'll see at the sport festival. I am going to say to the world that I am here" I was happy and respond with "Good young Midoryia I can't wait to see !"

–end of the Flashback– 

3rd POV:

It was near the match of Midoryia and Todoroki the 2 were ready. They waited in the tunnel for Present Mic to call them.As they get the signal the 2 went out and Present mic spoke. "The first match of the 2nd round ! At this year's sports festival both have shown top class perfomances ! Midoryia ! Versus, Todoroki ! Now... START !"

 Todoroki used his ice signature attack and covered his opponen. Midnight sighed and said "Midor—" but was quickly stopped by a scream.

"SMASH"  Midoryia screamed as the ice exploded. There were a shockwave but they saw something crazy... Midoryia with some green lighting arround his body. They were all shocked but the audience quickly erupted in cheers. 'Wow is that Midoryia' 1-A thought. Aizawa had his eyes widden in shocked. All Might was proud of his protege.

Meanwhile, Midoryia said "So we are gonna fight or what ?" as soon as he said that Todoroki respond with ice spikes. But quickly dogged and begin to bounce around like GranTorino. When All Might saw this he was shocked even more because it remind him of GranTorino. The 2 continue this as Todoroki start to have frostbite. Midoryia, without breaking a sweat begin to worry about him and speak "You know Todoroki, everyone here is going at their full potencial even past their limits. But you, you hold back. If you want to win against me you have to use the other side. Because it's not his quirk it's yours !" The young man was eyes widen when he ear this words. It was his mother's words ! Soon his other side began to burn his shirt "Thank you Midoryia" The green boy had a big smile on his face but quickly removed it as he knew something big was gonna happen. He quickly charged his arms with 100% OFA and legs with 25% OFA. He made a X-shape with his Arms and place his feet in the ground to prepare for the impact.


A big explosion followed by a shockwave shook all the stadium. Uraraka had a worried look on her face, same thing for All Might. The whole arena wasn't visible, but soon they saw something incredible... Todoroki unconscious on an ice pillar, Midoryia awake with his legs in the ground in a bad shape and his arm in a X-shape broken... But he was still conscious ! The crowd bursed into cheers. Midnight began with "Todoroki is unconscious, Midoryia wins" after this he collapsed and the 2 were transported by robots to RG. 

After this fight the whole stadium was shocked and impressed. All Might was proud, Aizawa too. Uraraka was amazed and impressed that he managed to made his adverse use his full power, while winning. Bakugo was angry and wanted to be against him and win. The others were shocked and happy for the green boy.




To be continued 

Is Midoryia will be able to win the sport festival ? Is the crowd will be more shocked and impressed ? Or will he lose ?

Thanks for reading !!! 

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