~Chapter 12 (part 2)~

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"Did you like the movie ?" asked Izuku to Ochako, while exiting the cinema.

"Yes I loved it ! Especially when the hero powered up and defeated the villain." she told him very excited about it.

"Me too !" replied with the same level of excitation.

They talked a bit until Ochako's stomach started to rumbled. She blushed with embarrassment.

"If you want we could go eat something ?" he asked to her.

"Only if you want to." she said trying to be polite.

"Yeah, don't worry, I know a great place when you're hungry." he replied.

It's like that, that the two walked to a good restaurant...


"Could I get everyone's attention !" The first shouted exiting the shadows followed by the second.

All the past users that were watching the date, were startled by his appearance. Seeing his face, the users decided to go towards him.

"We need all of you, it's urgent." he told them.

"What is it ?" asked En.

"There is something that we need to talk about." he replied.

"But Izuku is on his date, something could happen to him. Someone need to stay in case of an emergency." Nana exclaimed, being the overprotective grandma that she is.

The first pondered for a second until he replied.

"Fine, you can stay, but when it's finished you need to come." he told her, disappearing.

Soon, all the other users disappeared, letting Nana alone.

'I wonder what it was about...' she thought while watching the two love birds.


Speaking of which. Ochako and Izuku had just entered the small restaurant. It didn't looked too expensive, but you could see from the people's plates, that it looked good.

Talking about the people, there wasn't many person in the restaurant, just some couples and a man alone.

Ochako and Izuku got quickly seated, and decided to order their foods. Izuku chose a bowl of Udon and Ochako went for the ramens.

It's when they put down their menus, that they looked at each other.

None of them spoke.

They were just contemplating their sights.

Ochako was focused on his face...

His diamond-shaped freckles....

His beautiful green eyes, she would be drowned by their beauty each time she looked at them...

His green hair, that would light up her soul for the rest of the day...

Overall, his whole face.

Izuku too was focused on her face but more particularly on her eyes and permanent blush...

It was like, each time he would be focused on her eyes, it would tickle his heart and flesh...

The permanent blush, that would let a bit of innocence on her face...

It was also at that moment that the waiter got to their table.

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