~Chapter 6~

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....the Ninth"

'Wait. Where am I ? Who is it ? Why do she look like my mom ? Why can't I talk ?....' he asked in his mind, hoping that someone could respond.

"To answer all your questions we are in OFA's core. I'm Nana Shimura the 7th user and you can't talk because you don't have enough control of OFA." she respond smiling kindly towards him.

He blushed a little, before asking something important. 'But how can you read my mind ?!'

"Oh. We are in your body so it's normal to hear all of your thoughts. And since we are talking about that, when are you going to confessed to that Uraraka girl ???" she declared.

Of course that caused the green boy to turn red. He had some uneasy feeling when she was around him. Maybe it was the fact that she was a girl and that he didn't really talked to one before, due to him being quirkless. Or like stated Nana, was it because he had actual feeling for her... ?

Before he could think of his relationship with Uraraka more, another voice emerges from the shadows.

"7th could you make it faster please I have things to tell him too." a skinny man with white clothes and white hair stepped out of the shadows.

"Sorry sorry but it's the first time I met him. Look at those cute cheeks and his face ~" she started to touch all of his face, especially his cheeks. Meanwhile, Izuku went nuclear, turning in a new shade of red.

The man sighed and went to Nana in order to bring her back in the shadows, where he came from. After separating the two, making Nana disappear and calming Izuku. He finally spoke.

"Sorry for her she can be a little too much when she meet somebody knew."

'It's nothing don't worry, but I've got a question. Who are you ?' The 9th questioned.

"I'm the 1st user of OFA, the brother of AFO, Yoichi Shigaraki." immediately after saying this Izuku bowed showing his respect to the first. The white man giggled a bit before saying that he could rase his head. Remembering what the first user said, deku asked another question (still in his mind).

'Who is AFO, sir ?'

The smile on his face suddenly dropped hearing this name and was replaced by a sad smile. Izuku didn't know all of the history behind him, thanks to All Might.

"How much of OFA do you know ?" questioned the first user.

Izuku looked at him perplex before declaring. 'OFA is a stockpiling quirk that was passed on by generations of people in order to bring peace. The 8th was All Might, the 7th Nana Shimura and you, you are the First user and creator of this quirk.'

The first think a bit before telling him something really important. "Hmm... It seems that the 8th didn't explain all to you." Suddenly two chairs appeared. "Sit down it's going to take some times to explain all of the things to you." They sat down and the first started to explain.

"OFA isn't born like any other quirk. Actually it's my brother that created it. My brother's quirk is named AFO. It's a quirk that can stole and give others' people quirk. With his power, decided to become a Villain, known as AFO. Of course, now, you might not recognise this name but before he was the most dangerous villain." It peeked the interest of the ninth. "And he is the one that damaged All Might."

After saying this, the green haired teen, was eyed widen. He didn't expected that, but before he could ask more, his thoughts were interrupted by the white haired man.

"Don't worry all of your questions are going to be answered." that brought the the ninth user back to earth. "So like I said before the quirk was created by AFO." as he showed his memories of the creation of OFA. "What you've seen is the creation of the quirk. Now that bring us the main topic of why you are here." he declared to the ninth who was listening closely.

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