Chapter 3

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Chapter 3, episode 4 of the series.

Hunter's POV

After the whole ordeal with the missing part, we needed to find a good spot to land and restock on some supplies. We all were standing around looking at the map, trying to decide the best place we could reach with the amount of fuel we have.

"Idaflor. We could go there."

"That place isn't even inhabited." Wrecker said confused.

"That's why it's the perfect place to lay low for a while."

"Hide"? I've been stuck on Kamino my whole life. What if we just explored for a while?" Omega asked with hope.

"Not right now, kid. We need to wait until things cool off for a while."

"Actually, we won't be doing either," Tech chimed in.

"We don't have enough fuel, and we are completely out of rations. Without the Republic to supply us, we need to acquire these things on our own."

"We have another problem, too," Echo said.

I began to tune Echo out. My focus was on Omega when she left the room. I saw her go behind me and behind her curtain.

"Guys, we need to stop talking about these things in front of Omega. It worries her." I said with concern.

"You guys figure out where we're going. I'm going to check on her."

I started to walk to Omega's room, and I could have sworn I heard her crying.

"Omega?" I questioned.

No response.

"Omega, are you crying?"

I began to climb the steps.

"Can I come in, kid?"

"Please, I want to be alone." She finally responded.

"I don't leave my kid alone if she's upset."

I pushed back her curtain. She was looking out her window with tears running down her face.

"Omega, why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset. I'm scared."

"Why is that?"

"Anywhere we go, we're not safe. The galaxy isn't safe anymore. I don't like not knowing what's going to happen." She confessed while holding Lulu.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I had to think about it for a minute.

She started to sob harder. I climbed up and sat next to her. She continued to cry and she laid her head on my shoulder. Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around her.

I don't know how long we sat there together, but she eventually fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. The ship was pretty quiet so I assumed everyone was doing the same.

I laid her down, turned off the light, and went to check on the rest of the boys. Wrecker and Echo were asleep but Tech was still in the cockpit.

"Where are we going, Tech?" I asked.

"We're heading to Pantora."

"Well, Pantora it is."

"Is Omega okay? I heard you both talking." He asked curiously.

"She'll be alright. She's just not feeling safe."

"Why would she not feel safe? Anything is better than living on Kamino through all this."

"We just need to keep her mind occupied. When we land, we need to do something with her."

"You know, Hunter. Ever since Omega has been on our ship, you've turned into a dad." Tech said amused at himself.

"Uh-I, I don't-what?"

"Don't deny it. You're such a dad." Tech said with a sly grin.

I just walked away.

"You know it's true!" He shouted at me as I left.

Sorry, it's a little shorter, but next chapter I'm going to do a part 2 to episode 4. Episode 5 didn't have much I could write with, (other than Wrecker is scaring me with this "headache") so I'm not going to do anything with episode 5. I hope you enjoyed it!

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