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The title says it all. This isn't going to be a modern chapter, I had a request to do another detailed chapter about one of the Bad Batch members having a nightmare. Thanks to @CamrynKissel for the idea. This picture in the media is so adorable. Enjoy!

Omega's POV

Waves churching, lightning flashing, thunder cracking.



"Help! Help me! Get me out of here. Please!" I cried out.

I could see people in front of me, but it was blurry. I rubbed my eyes, but it was still fuzzy. Once it did clear, I saw my friends around me.

"Hunter? Tech?"

I pounded on the wall keeping me trapped. I realized I was back on Kamino and I was in the lab I was created in. My anxiety shot through the roof. I tried breaking the glass, but that didn't work. I tried again and again. I even tried punching it. All that gave me was broken and bloody knuckles. 

"Wrecker. Echo. Guys, I'm so sorry. I can't save you." I sank against the wall and laid my head back and the tears fell harder.

"I'm sorry."  I whimpered.

Tech's POV

I was giving the ship a tune-up while the rest of the boys were sleeping. Hunter doesn't sleep much in between missions, Echo slept some, and Wrecker slept every time. Omega rarely rested after a mission, but she had been a lot lately. I wasn't quite sure why. 

I got up from the pilot's seat and I walked back to the holomap, but I didn't expect to hear whimpering. I didn't think it could be from any of the boys, so I decided to check on Omega. The curtain was left open so I could see her curled in a ball, whimpering and crying. I climbed up the ladder and pulled her onto my lap. I had never taken care of a child, Hunter had taken on that role. 

"Omega. Omega, you're having a nightmare. Wake up."

She continued to twist and turn, despite me holding her. I figured it would help if I held her tightly and wait until she wakes up. Once I was sure she settled down, I attempted to lay her down, but she clung to me. I knew I wouldn't be able to leave her, so I stayed a while longer. 

The next morning

When I woke up the next morning, I was still in Omega's room. She was asleep, but much more peacefully. I gently laid her back down and covered her with the blanket. I got down and stretched my legs for the first time in several hours. I still had some diagnostics to finish running on the ship. Thankfully, we never dropped out of hyperspace. We had another 30 minutes until we got back to Cid's place. 

"Morning, Tech." Hunter greeted. 

"Hey, Hunter." I didn't look up from my work right away.

"Have you been working all night again, Tech? I warned you it's not good to do that all the time." 

"I'm just finishing diagnostics. I would have finished them last night but I fell asleep helping Omega stay asleep."    

"Why couldn't she sleep?" 

"I think she was having some nightmares. She's asleep now and I didn't need to wake her so I let her be. She's fine, Hunter." I assured. 

Later that morning, Omega woke up so I asked her about her nightmares. She hesitated to tell me at first, but I told her she could tell me if she wanted, but she didn't have to. 

"I was back on Kamino. I was trapped in a tube or behind a wall, I don't know. It was the lab I was created in and I couldn't get out. The worst part was that you guys were there and I couldn't save you." She started to cry. I hugged her and let her cry. I picked her up after a few minutes and I sat back down in my seat. 

Surprisingly, it comes quickly how to multitask with a kid in your arms. I'm starting to see why Hunter likes to do this, I could get use to it. Omega never let go of her hold on me, but she did relax a little. 

"Don't worry, Omega. None of us will ever let you get taken back there, you're safe." 

"Thanks, Tech." 

This was bad. 

I wrote half in the car on the way up north and the rest when I woke up this morning. I hope you still liked it.

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