Family Feuds

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Thanks to @Ushasumanth for the idea. It's one of my favorites so far. Omega is 15 in this chapter. Enjoy!

Omega's POV

It's not easy to fall asleep, let alone get any good sleep, when you have to listen to your dad's heated phone conversations with his own brothers. It's happened almost everyday since I was born. It's mostly because my uncles hate my dad for divorcing my mom when I was a baby, but it could also be other reasons I don't know about.

I had a plan how to escape without my dad knowing. I was going to use my bedroom window and go see some of my uncles. I needed to get this whole thing straight. As usual, I had to be the brains of the operation (Somebody please get the reference). It was a good thing in this case that my room is on the 1st floor otherwise, I wouldn't be able to use the window.

Before I could leave, I packed a bag so I was prepared. I grabbed a few sets of clothes in case I got dirty or they got ripped. I had some water and food, my phone, my wallet, and a flashlight for at night. I also looked up how far each stop was from my house and I wrote them down with the times.

My first stop was Uncle Wrecker's house. His was the closet to mine since he lives down the street in our subdivision. This walk was only about a 15 minute walk. When I got there, I saw most of the lights were on, so I knew he wasn't asleep. If anyone was, it would be my cousin Amy. I walked up to the door and knocked. I only waited for a few seconds before my Aunt Ellie answered the door.


Hunter's POV

I rather angrily sat down on the couch and tossed my phone onto the coffee table. I never even noticed the time, I've been on the phone yelling and arguing for several hours. Rehashing the past, mostly how much my brothers hated me getting a divorce. We were raised to get married one day and never be divorced, and if you did, you shouldn't have been married in the first place.

Once I figured out it was well past midnight, I figured I should check on Omega. She couldn't be sleeping with all my yelling. I stood and walked upstairs. I knocked on her door, on the off chance she was sleeping.

"Omega? Are you okay?" I called, cracking the door open.

I saw an empty bed, her closet and her normally clean room, was covered in clothes. Her dresser drawers were all open. The window was open.

"Did somebody...take her?" I asked aloud.

I ran back downstairs and grabbed my phone. I dialed Crosshair from my contacts and hit the call button. It rang once and he picked it up, but I didn't let him say anything yet.

"Crosshair, what did you do with Omega?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Omega's room is completely destroyed, which she keeps at a high standard of cleanliness, most of her clothes are gone, her bed is a mess, and her window is open. Did you take her to prove your point to me? Your issue is with me, not her." I accused.

"Hunter, I don't know what your going on about. I didn't take my niece, she probably ran off when she heard your yelling. Kids do that when their parents fight, they hide."

"Where would she go with all of her clothes? She left her window wide open."

"You do remember that Wrecker lives down the road from you guys, right? She might have went there."

"Yeah, probably so. Listen, Cross, I don't want to keep fighting about the past. What's done, is done. Can we just be civil with each other and focus on finding Omega?" I asked sincerely.

"Yes. I've been wanting to do that for years now."

"I'll tell you whether I find her or not. We need to get the rest of us to talk this thing out." I acknowledged.

"I'll see you soon, Baby Bro."

"See ya, Cross." I hung up and jumped in my car. I drove down the road to Wrecker's house. I didn't see any lights still on, which made sense. It was almost 1 am.

I knocked loudly to wake them up and check to see if Omega was here. I heard running footsteps and the clicking of the door handle. Wrecker opened it and knew exactly why I was here at this time of night.

"Hunter, if you're looking for Omega, she's here. She's sleeping in Amy's room upstairs. She said she couldn't stand listening to you constantly yelling, so she walked here a few hours ago."

"That's good, I figured she couldn't have gone far. Now that I know she's here, I'll come by later to get her." I started to walk away, but he stopped me.

"This arguing about your mistakes has to stop, it's not worth rehashing the past if it effects your daughter."

"I know, I told Crosshair the same thing. I'm going to settle this once and for all tomorrow." I responded.

Later that morning, I picked Omega up from Wrecker's house. I first apologized to Omega for what happened yesterday and I promised her I was taking care of it. I also told all my brothers to come over and we'll work everything worked out. From start to finish.

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