Modern 1

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I hope ya'll don't get mad at me, but since I skipped episode 5, I'm going to have this chapter make up for it. It's going to be out of the storyline and a modern AU. Almost everything is the same; Hunter and Omega are real fathers and daughters. Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Hunter are all brothers. Enjoy!


Ages and info: Crosshair- 25 (Sniper in the US Military)

Hunter- age 23 (Stay-at-home dad; currently looking for a job)

Tech- age 22 (Engineer)

Wrecker- age 20 (He's also looking for a job; he graduated high school last year)

Echo- age 18 (A junior in high school)

Omega- age 3 (Preschool)

Hunter's POV

It's been an exhausting day; between taking care of a toddler and job hunting. I'm glad my mother had several sons. There're 24/7 on-call babysitters. 

Omega starts her first day of Pre-K tomorrow. Hopefully, I can get a few interviews in before she comes home. She's gonna start with half-days until next year when she goes into Kindergarten. 

"Daddy, up. Up." Omega started pulling on my pant leg. 

I picker her up and sat on the couch and she laid her head on my shoulder. I hoped she would fall asleep, so I gave her a pacifier. 

"I love you, baby girl. I'm going to find a job and provide for you a  whole lot better. I promise." 

She was already asleep, but I knew she heard it. I stood up and walked upstairs. I laid her down in her crib and put her favorite blanket over her. It was the only thing her mother bought her before she left.

3rd person POV

A mom, a dad, and a newborn. It was their first 48 hours as a new family. Hunter and his wife didn't plan on having a baby anytime soon. They had only been married for 6 months.

When she got pregnant and had their baby, she wasn't ready. She even contemplated getting an abortion without Hunter knowing.

After their daughter's birth and they had been home the first night, Hunter found a note on his wife's pillow the next morning.


I wasn't ready to have a baby. I feel bad for leading you on like this, but I packed all my stuff before we left for the hospital. Don't worry about me. Just do me one last favor; don't tell Omega what happened to me.

Your wife, Tiffany.

Hunter started to break down. He couldn't believe his wife had his baby and left because she felt uncertain.

End of flashback

A week later

I woke up with a jolt, my forehead covered with sweat. I heard Omega crying from her room. I slowed down my racing heart and got up to see what was going on. 

" Come see Daddy, Sweetheart." I said as I took her out of the crib.

She continued to cry, evidently clear she wasn't feeling good.

'She has a fever.' I thought.

I tried to give her a bottle, but she didn't want it. 

This probably is the worst time she could get sick. She just started school. I don't know what's wrong with her.

It took about 2 hours to get Omega back to sleep. She's still feverish, but the medicine was starting to kick in.

I was about to go back to bed myself when I got a call from the US Military. I always assume something happened to Crosshair when I see that number appear on my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hunter? It's Crosshair."

"It's been a while, big brother." I said with the tiredness showing in my voice.

"Is something wrong, Hunter? You sound extremely tired." He asked.

"It's nothing. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Omega. She's sick." 

"Dude, take her to the doctor. That's all you have to do, they'll tell you what's going on." 

"I can't. Tiffany took care of that for her 1 week appointment. I didn't go with her, plus I don't have insurance because I don't have a job yet. I can't afford it either, I can barely get Omega's basic necessities." 

"Do I need to get a weekend pass just to help you take your daughter to the doctor?" He teased. 

"Do you want an honest answer? Yes."

"Okay, just don't expect me home ASAP. I'm going to see what I can do."

"Thanks, Crosshair. I love you big brother."

"I love you too, little brother." 

Crosshair's POV

As I hung up the phone, I sat down on my bunk. I didn't tell Hunter I was getting a furlough. He just thinks I'm coming home for the weekend. I knew how much he's been struggling to take care of Omega since Tiffany left.

I've already made some calls with the help of my commander, and I've got several interviews set up for him. I know this will help him be a lot less stressed. 


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