Modern 2

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This modern chapter will use the same characters, just the ages and the occupations will be different. 

Ages and info: 

Crosshair- 39 (Retired from the Military but he works in a gun store; husband and 2 sons) 

Hunter- age 37 (Active duty in the Air Force)

Tech- age 36 (Engineer Manager; husband; 1 daughter and 2 sons) 

Wrecker- age 34 (Private Trainer; husband and 1 daughter) 

Echo- age 32 (Engineer; Works with Tech; soon-to-be-married)

Omega- age 15 (A high school Freshman; lives with Crosshair since Hunter is on active duty)

"Daddy! Help me!" 

"Daddy loves you, baby doll." 

"Don't leave me!" 

Earlier that day

Crosshair's POV

I woke up with a jolt and my forehead covered in sweat. 

I calmed down my racing heart and got a shower. Katie had she gone to wake the kids up and get herself ready. I was getting ready for work, when there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in." I called. 

"Uncle Crosshair?"

"Good morning, Omega. How'd you sleep?" I asked her.

She was very tired and her eyes were red and puffy.

"What's wrong, Kid?" I crouched down to her level.

"I miss dad. I was thinking about him all night." 

This happens a lot, she doesn't sleep and has a bad day. Hunter going into the service hit her hard. She usually stays home for the day and hangs out with Katie.  

"Do you want to go to school or stay home with Aunt Katie?" 

"I've already missed a lot of school. I can't miss anymore." She was stressed and she started crying again. 

I pulled her into a hug and we stayed that way for a few minutes until her crying slowed. 

"If you don't feel good, Sweetheart, you have a reason not to go. The school knows about dad. They know about your anxiety, too." 

She thought about it and decided to stay home. I told her I would try and have Hunter call us when I got home. 

When I got to work, I sat in my office and I called Wrecker, Tech, and Echo. I invited them over after work tonight, I knew Omega needed to have some fun. 

Katie's POV

Me and Omega were spending the day together. After Crosshair left for work, she went back to bed. She slept for most of the morning. 

She didn't exactly wake up peaceful...

I had just finished a video presentation, when I heard a scream and something fall with a thud. I ran upstairs to Omega's room and she was on the floor breathing heavily. 

"Omega, what happened?" 

"I-I fell. I was asleep and I had another nightmare. I woke up on the floor." She sobbed. 

I bent down to make she was okay and I saw the back of her head was bloody. 

"Did you hit your head?" 

The nightstand had a stream of blood running down it. Her face was pale, but I figured it was because she was scared. She couldn't answer. 

"Omega, can you hear me? Look at me." I begged. 

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out. 

I started to freak out because neither of my boys have ever done this. I called 911 and that I needed an ambulance. 

When they got there, I rode with her in the ambulance to the hospital. The paramedics took her vitals and checked to see if she had a concussion or a brain bleed. We arrived at the hospital, but I wasn't allowed to go with her. They told me she might need surgery depending on how badly she hit her head. 

I sat out in the waiting room and I called Crosshair. I was almost hyperventilating and panicking. 

"Hey, babe." He greeted. 

"Crosshair. It's not good." 

"What's not good? What's going on?" 

"It's Omega. She was sleeping and she had another nightmare. She fell and hit her head. They said she might need surgery." 

"It's okay, Katie. She'll be fine, I'm on my way." 

I hung up the phone and I forced myself to calm down. 

Omega's POV

"Daddy! Help me!"

"Daddy loves you, baby doll."

"Don't leave me! Please!" 

5 hours later

I slowly cracked open my eyes. Even the dimmed lights seemed super bright, and I had a headache. I moved around a little and I heard Aunt Katie and Uncle Crosshair talking. 

"Auntie?" I croaked.

"Hey, Sweetheart. How are you feeling?" 

"I have a headache." I answered.

"It's a concussion. You hit your head on your nightstand." 

It was just now getting to where I could open my eyes. I focused on her bright green eyes. I saw love and guilt in them. 

"Auntie, please don't blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong." I reminded her. 

"I know, but I still feel bad. Mostly because I didn't know what to do, neither of your cousins ever had this happen to them." 

There was an awkward silence growing between us, when Uncle Crosshair came in my room. 

"Hey, Omega. I've got dad on the phone for you." 

I gasped softly, and he helped me hold it to my ear. 


"Hi, baby doll. Uncle Crosshair told me you've been having a problem lately." 

"I missed you, daddy. I've been having nightmares, and it put me in the hospital." 

"I know. I've missed you too, but I know what will make you feel better." 

"What is it?" 

Then my door opened and it was daddy. 

"Daddy!" I cried. 

He came over and hugged me. I cried while holding onto him the best I could. I had to stay laying down so it was kind of difficult. He gave me a tender kiss on my cheek. 

"You're going to be okay, baby. I'm home for a few days while you get better, I'm going to stay here with you." 

"Really? I asked. 

"Of course. I love you, baby." 

"I love you too, daddy." 

He hugged me again and I fell asleep in his big, strong arms. 

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