Chapter 10

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Episode 9 has been my absolute favorite episode by far. There's so much fluff I can work with. Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

"Any sign of the bounty hunter?" Hunter asked Tech.

"The only vessel on our scanners is Crosshair's and he's right on top of us." 

"It's getting hot back here!" Wrecker shouted from the guns.

"Prepping to jump." Tech announced. 

"Not without Omega." Hunter said.

"The bounty hunter who took is long gone. We won't have any chance of finding her if Crosshair shoots us down first." Echo warned. 

"Rear deflector shields are failing." 

Hunter sighed and said to make the jump. 

Omega's POV

I finally woke up, but I wasn't with Hunter. I was on the ground of what looked like the brig.

Then I remembered; he was shot, and I was captured. 

I groaned and sat up, looking around me. I put my hand in front of the barrier. It's a ray shield. 

"Let me out of here!" I commanded the little droid. 

"Afraid not." 

I stood up and patted down my sleeves, hoping for a slim chance I'd have my comm. 

"Looking for your communication device? It's been confiscated and put in a secure spot." 

"I said. Let. Me. Out of here." 

"I suggest you cooperate. Mr. Bane doesn't like difficult prisoners." 

Just as he said that, who I assumed was Mr. Bane, climbed down the ladder. 

"How's my asset doing?" He asked me. 

"My name's Omega. Who are you?" I crossed my arms. 

"Cad Bane at your service." 

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, but he didn't answer. He just walked away. 

"You'll be sorry when my friends come for me." 

"Your friends are gone. I made sure of that." He growled. 

"When can you fix my leg?" The droid hopped after Bane. 

The droid was trying to fix his own leg. He was pulling a tool box, until he fell over. 

"It's that clone's fault. He shot me!" 

"He was protecting me. That's what friends do." I responded.

I had to come up with a plan to get out of here, so I decided to use the droid. 

"I can fix your leg. It's a simple booster adjustment." 

He scoffed. "I'm a techno service droid. I can complete my own repairs." 

"Have it your way."  

Hunter's POV

We were trying so hard to find Omega, but we didn't know where she was taken. All I had was the bounty hunter's description. 

"Your description of the bounty hunter matches one from the Republic files." Echo said. 

"That's him." 

"Cad Bane. He had multiple run-in's with the Jedi. He was responsible for attempting to capture Chancellor Palpatine." 

"First the bounty hunter on Pantora, now this? Why are they after the kid?" Wrecker complained. 

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