Chapter 12

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Chapter 12, Episode 10. Enjoy!

(The Senator of Raxus has already been imprisoned.)

3rd Person POV

"How's the Mantell Mix, Kid?" Wrecker asked Omega, who was on his shoulder. 

"Mm-hmm. Better than ever." She gave Wrecker some. 

"Yeah, it is." 

"When's our next mission?" She asked out loud.

 "With two bounty hunters after you, It'd be wise to keep a low profile." Tech advised. 

"Tech's right. There's too much heat on us right now." Hunter agreed. 

(He always says this and goes and does something to put more heat on them, lol.)

"That never stopped us before." Wrecker stated. 

Hunter whispered to Wrecker and told him how much Omega deserved a break. 

"She seems okay to me." 

"You don't understand. You didn't see her unable to stop crying because she was terrified."

They all walked into Cid's bar. As soon as they walked in, she was started telling them about a mission on Raxus. 

"Raxus? That is the former center of the Separatist government. It has since become an Imperial outpost--" Tech started before Cid interrupted him. 

"I don't need a history lesson, Goggles. You're being hired to locate and free Senator Avi Singh from confinement. My client will meet you at the given coordinates to brief you." 

She tossed a small device that Hunter caught. He didn't know if he could trust Cid that this was a legitimate job. 

"Help a Separatist? Not going to happen." He tossed the device back to Cid. 

She then spewed on about their unpaid debt. She and Hunter walked away from a little from the rest of the group. 

"I am not  bringing Omega to a planet crawling with Imperials." 

"So leave her here. I'll keep an eye on her." Cid tried to convince Hunter. 

"I don't exactly trust you either." 

"You're not supposed to. But if keeping the kid safe means more money in my pocket, then it's in my best interest to do it."

"If anything happens to her--" 

"Yeah, yeah, Bandana. Just get out of here, will you?" (I laughed every time she called Hunter Bandana.)

Hunter's POV

I saw Omega securing her bow rifle and I walked over to her. 

"Ready when you are." She chimed. 

"Not this time, Omega. You're staying here with Cid." 

"But th-the mission. I'm a part of this squad too." 

"Then you shouldn't have a problem following orders. Stay close to Cid and don't leave this parlor."

She always looked so disappointed when I had to tell her she couldn't do something with us. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she glanced up at me. 

"Omega, it's too dangerous for you to come with us this time. I know you think I'm being unfair, but I'm trying to keep you a part of this squad in one piece. Do you understand, Kid?" I explained. 

"Yes, sir." 

I quickly hugged her and followed the rest of the boys out. 

Omega's POV

I watched the rest of the group walk out the door. I was trying to not be disappointed, but it wasn't easy. 

"Hey, Tiny, I've got a job for you." Cid called and she gave me a brush. 

I sat up at the counter and started on my job. I'd rather be in danger to help people than being stuck here doing chores. 

I had been sitting at the bar for a while trying to get the thought out of my head about how I'm not on the mission. Ever since those bounty hunters have been after me, I've had to sit out a lot. 

"Enough with the moping around. you're bringing the mood down in here." Cid complained. 


"Okay, I'll bite. What's wrong with you?" 

"I haven't heard back from my friends. Do you think they're okay?" I asked.

"For what this job's paying, they better be." 

I tossed the scrubber on the counter. "I should have gone with them. It's not fair I have to stay here and do chores." 

"I've got news for ya, Kid. Life ain't fair. You don't like it? Stop pouting and do something about it." 

I felt like a toddler trying to get her way by pouting. I got down from the stool and stomped over to another seat away from Cid. 

"I'm not helpless." I tried to convince Cid, but I think I was trying to convince myself more by saying it out loud. 

"Kid, I told dark and broody I'd keep an eye on you and keep you safe." 

"Hmm. For how much?" I snarked. 

She scoffed and walked away, mumbling about about not being enough. 

(On Raxus)

3rd Person POV

The boys were sneaking around trying to survey their surroundings with the help of the Senator's personal droid servant. 

"There are six exterior guards and multiple heat signatures inside. Four in the subterranean level." Tech informed. 

Echo knocked the droid back some and accused him of setting them up. The droid stated it was against it's programming to send allies into danger. 

"We ain't allies, tin bin." Wrecker called. 

"Enough. We need to take out the surveillance system. Move in." Hunter ordered. 

They watched for the cameras and managed to sneak past them unseen. They occasionally had to take out a trooper or two, until they finally got in front of the Senator's residence. Tech tapped into the security system. 

Hunter told Wrecker and Echo to clear the upper levels. Him, Tech, and the droid would take the main floors and below. 

(For the sake of being too long, everyone already knows what happens, and this chapter is super long overdue, I'm skipping to the end between Hunter and Omega.)

Hunter's POV

"You really paid off our debt?" 

"I wanted to be useful, even if I couldn't go on the mission." Omega responded not looking at me. 

I started to feel bad. I knew she was disappointed she couldn't go on the mission, but I didn't know she felt useless. 

"How about we put those strategy skills to the test? One match." 

I walked over to the holo board and sat down. 

"If you win, you don't sit out anymore missions." 

She gladly hopped on the stool and looked over her pieces. 

"Are you ready for this?" 

"Are you?" She challenged.  

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