Hayes Grier

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QOTD- do you have any piercings?

I have 2 lobe piercings on both ears and I really want my cartilage and 3rd hole done

If you're bored then inbox me bc I don't have any friends

"Hayes? Hayes? Where the fuck is he?" Nash had been looking for Hayes for what felt like hours and he just couldn't find him. Hayes was gone. Nash groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. "Cameron! Have you seen Hayes? I've been trying to find him for hours now and I don't know where he is!" Cameron paused for a moment. "Yeah, he's outside by the pool. Well, at least he was there like 30 minutes ago." "Thanks, Cam.", Nash sighed in relief and made is way downstairs. They were in Orlando for Magcon and Hayes had been really distant lately. When Nash stepped outside he immediately spotted Hayes sitting at the pool edge with his feet in the water. Nash sat down next to him. "Hey." Hayes looked up at him and forced a smile. "Hey." Nash instantly saw that something was wrong with him. "Are you okay?", he asked gently. Hayes shook his head. "What's wrong?" Hayes took a deep breath and starred into the distance. "I miss her."

"What?", I asked confused and sat down on my bed. "Please, you have to come. He misses you like crazy and he's just sad all the time. Please.", Nash begged on the phone. "I miss him, too, but it's a long way to Orlando!" "I know, but actually you can't say no. Your flight is already booked." I didn't know what to say. I was overwhelmed. I missed Hayes so much and I really wanted to see him, so I said yes. Nash cheered at the other end of the phone and told me when my flight left. Tomorrow morning. "Alright. Now go pack and I'm gonna pick you up from the airport tomorrow. See you then!" He hung up. I grinned broadly and started to pack. I was going to surprise my boyfriend. That night I couldn't sleep at all. I was so excited and nervous and I just wanted to have Hayes next to me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. We're about to land in Orlando." I collected all my stuff and got ready to leave the plane. My heart was beating really fast and I couldn't help but smile all the time. After the plane had landed I went to get my suitcase and look for Nash. He was standing at the exit with a grin on his face. "(Y/N)! Good to see you. Did you have a good flight?", he asked, hugging me. "Good to see you, too. And yeah, I had a really good flight and I'm so excited to see Hayes." While we were heading for Nash's car he told me about Hayes and how he had been distant and sad. Hearing all that just made me want to see, hug and kiss Hayes even more. "So, Hayes is in his room. I told the boys to watch out that he doesn't leave it, but I guess that was unnecessary, because he doesn't leave his room anyway.", Nash said while starting the engine. I nodded and looked out of the window. The landscape was passing by and my smile grew even wider. I was about to see Hayes again after I hadn't seen him for such a long time. 15 minutes later we had arrived. Nash stopped the engine and we got out of the car. Nash grabbed my suitcase and carried it to the elevator for me. "Alright. Hayes' room number is 316. He's gonna be so happy to see you, trust me." I thanked him for everything and got in the elevator. Now I was just a few moments away from seeing him. The elevator stopped and I got out. It took me a while to find Hayes' room, but finally I was standing in front of his room door. Knowing that he was right behind that door made me even more excited. Taking a deep breath I knocked at the door. No answer. I knocked again. This time more forcefully. "LEAVE ME ALONE!", Hayes yelled without opening the door. I chuckled to myself and knocked again. Suddenly the door flung open. "I SAID LEAVE ME..." Hayes stopped yelling immediately when he saw me. His eyes widened and he stared at me. "Surprise!", I said laughing. Then he started to realize what was going on. "(Y/N)!" Hayes flung his arms around my neck and hugged me as tight as never before. "Oh god, I missed you so much.", he mumbled into my neck. "I missed you, too." We pulled apart and he pressed his lips to mine. It was the most passionate kiss we've ever had. "I love you so much, babe", he whispered into the kiss. "So so much."


*creds to tumblr*

So this may be the last part of this book for awhile but keep it in your library bc I will randomly update!

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