Cameron Dallas

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QOTD- what are you doing over thanksgiving?

I'm eating and eating and eating

You sat on the couch of Cameron's hotel room, tapping your fingers nervously. You hadn't planned on visiting him this early into Magcon, but your mother had called and told you that Jake, Cameron's dog, got hit by a car and broke his leg. You were absolutely relieved that Jake was fine, but according to Nash, who called you two days ago, Cameron wasn't dealing with the news too well. He had shut himself in his hotel room all day, been lethargic at the magcon events, and then went out partying late at night. And Cameron didn't party, like, ever. So of course you had taken the quickest flight out, so you could spend time with Cameron and console him, but also see him for yourself. But it is currently 2 am, and Cameron hasn't come back to his hotel room yet, even though all the boys are asleep in theirs, because they have a Meet and Greet early in the morning tomorrow. He wasn't picking up his phone, and wasn't answering anyone's texts, which was what really was starting too worry you. He always answered your calls and texts, always.

Your eyes kept flickering from the door, over to the clock on the bedside table, and as the minutes ticked by you became more and more panicked, and began pacing the room. What if he was hurt? What if he was lost? What if he lost his phone and he couldn't call back? Horrible thoughts ran through your mind, along with visions of him being drunk and getting behind the wheel of a car, or him getting hit by a car because he drunkenly stumbled into the street. Cameron doesn't drink much, and when he does he certainly doesn't get blackout drunk, so these thoughts were more than likely never going to come true. But never the less, you were still afraid and nervous about what Cameron might be doing right now. He was never one to deal with hard situations, sadness, or pressure very well, so he usually just came to you and poured all of his feelings out, but not this time. He hadn't even called you too tell you about Jake, instead his mom had to call. That was red flag number one.

As the clock ticked 2:18 am, you heard someone fiddling with the door handle, and trying to insert the hotel key into the slot. Relief washed over you like a tidal wave, and you finally sat down, your heart rate dropping significantly once you knew that he was returning safely to his room, and you could help him int bed and talk with him in the morning. But when the door swung open, it wasn't only Cameron you saw, but Cameron, and his mouth attached to some other girls neck. Your month dropped open in surprise, and your whole body went cold and ridged as you studied what you saw.

Cameron's eyes flicked to yours, he pulled away quickly, his red eyes looking over yours with curiosity. "Who the hell are you?" He said harshly in your direction, and you stood up quickly. His words echoed in your head and tears sprung to your eyes, the girl on his arm spinning around to look at you with blushing cheeks. "Cameron, how could you!" You yelled, not caring about the fact that everyone around you was sleeping. He looked at you again, widening his eyes. "How could I what? Who t-the fuck are you?" He slurred on his words, obviously piss drunk, but you were so livid you didn't even care.

"Don't play dumb with me! How could you cheat on me Cameron? After everything I've done for you!" You screamed, tears blurring your vision. "Do you even know this girls name or are you really that stupid drunk?" You screamed again, gesturing to the girl who was cowering in fear at your sudden outburst. Cameron stepped forward angrily. "This is my girlfriend Y/N! Get the hell out of my hotel room, what are you, some crazy fan?" Cameron said fiercely, eyeing you. You opened your mouth to protest what he said, but then you froze. Did he just say that that girl was his girlfriend, Y/N? As in, he thought that the girl he was kissing was you?

The poor girl looked really drunk and confused, and she looked at him with a twisted face. "My n-name is M-Maggie, not Y/N." She slurred as well. Cameron looked from you, to the girl Maggie, extreme confusion crossing his face. He was so drunk, he didn't even realize that he was cheating. At another glance at the girl she did look somewhat like you, same height and hair color, hair length and pretty much the same weight. You pushed the tears to the back of your eyes and sighed deeply. "Maggie just call a cab and leave. Now please." You demanded of her, and she hiccuped and raced out the door. Cameron's face dropped when she left, and he looked back at you with nothing but pain and sorrow in his eyes.

"Y/N I swear, I-I thought she was you, I thought- she looked-" His own sobs cut him off, and he leaned against the door for support. Your heart broke in two and you rushed over to him, wrapping him into a big warm hug. "It's ok Cameron, I know. You've had a lot too drink." You mumbled into his chest, rubbing his back, and the stinging smell of alcohol burned your nose and eyes. You led him over to the bed as he regained his breath, and stripped him off his shirt and pants, before slowly laying him down in the bed. His eyes were darting around, making eye contact with anything but you. He was still blubbering his apologies, which didn't make any sense do too his slur, being muddled with his tears and choppy breath. You lent down and kissed his forehead. "Cameron, Cameron shh. It's ok, I still love you and I forgive you, you didn't know what you were doing. We will talk about this in the morning, just get some rest. I will be here when you wake up. I love you." You said, drying his tears with the pads of your fingers. He nodded, his eye lids slowly closing, the rush of the alcohol now turning into the crash. Once you made sure he was completely asleep, you crawled into bed next to him, your heart rate slowing down and your mind finally clearing.

He's home safe and in your arms now, and that is all that matters.
*creds to tumblr*

Sorry I didn't update last week I was busy

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