Asking You Out pt 2

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Jack G: Winter exams were coming to a close and soon you would have three weeks off to relax, Jack had met you in the school parking lot, you lit up when you saw him walking towards you, the way the frosty air turned his cheeks pink made you smile, he was bundled up and it looked adorable.

"Hey Y/N you know Ashley from the cheer team?" What a great opening line, you sighed, of course you knew her, she was always hitting on Jack.

"Yeah." You said flatly

"She invited me out to a party at her place tonight, wanna be my plus one"

"No thanks Jack, I'm gonna stay in."

"What why? You almost always come out with me"

"Yeah, and you almost always ditch me, like yeah I have other friends at those parties but it's the same story: you beg me to come out with you, we get there, you ditch, I don't see you the whole night, and when it's time to leave you say you've been looking for me all night, I'm so sick of it" you turned to get in your car but before you close the door you heard him say "wow, you're being really bitchy, like you said you have other friends who go out so why would I have to be with you the whole night?" You caught the door:

"Not the whole night Jack, but you don't speak to me at all when we go to parties. Sorry for telling you what was bugging me, I won't do it again." He just smirked and said "Whatever" he knew you hated when people were dismissive. You shut your door and drove home, it was only a twenty minute drive but by the time you got home you had a couple messages from him "Shit, y/n I'm sorry" "I didn't mean that" "I didn't realize it bothered you so much" you decided to be a bit passive aggressive, something you never did "Yeah I guess it's hard to see why someone would be bothered by being completely ignored by the person who asked them to hang out, but at least it won't happen tonight, have fun J"

"You're still mad"

" A little upset, that's all, but tbh I wanted to stay in anyway."


You took a nap, got up to make dinner, and cleaned out your binders, crumpling up the notes you didn't need. You made some hot chocolate and then started your fireplace with the crumpled up notes. The snow was lightly falling and you quickly relaxed, admiring the scenery outside, perhaps tomorrow you would get some friends together and build a snowman. It was getting dark out and the air was cooling down, as you got up to feed the fire you heard a knock on the door, it was only 8pm and your parents were both working nights, Cautiously you walked to the door you could see that it was Jack. "Um... Hello?" you said with a confused tone. He didn't respond, instead he stepped inside and pulled you into a hug. He let go when you tensed up, you really didn't want him here.

"I'm so sorry about earlier" he said looking at you, you refused to make eye contact when you replied

"Jack it's fine. I'm over it" he placed two fingers under your chin, lifting your head so you would actually look at him. "No y/n, it's not. I didn't realize how shitty I was being"

"Relax, all friends can be shitty sometimes, I've blown you off before"

"Not when we're already hanging out, you don't just leave. I-"

You held up your hand "Jack stop, I can tell your sorry and your apology means a lot."

"You're sure?"

"Yes. Now get going, it'll take you at least half an hour to drive to Ashley's in this weather"

"Nah I'm not going" he said as he slipped off his jacket, hanging it in your closet.

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