Shawn Mendes

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QOTD- who is your OTP?

Mine is Stydia and Kiandrea but they broke up 😭

*disclaimer* I'm not a doctor nor have I ever had surgery so some parts of this imagine may not be correct. I apologize ahead of time :)


"I'm scared, Shawn," you whimper. It was the night before you were having surgery and you and Shawn were cuddling. He traced circles on the small of your back, trying to comfort you. You had never had surgery before and you were terrified, to say the least. You had to get your tonsils out because they had started to cause problems. You were afraid that you would wake up and not be able to speak or something awful like that.

"It's ok, y/n. They are trained professionals, they won't mess up. You will wake up and eat a ton of ice cream and be able to talk just fine. I promise you," he whispered into the dark.

You sighed but decided not to talk about it anymore. It would just worry you more and that would not end well. You snuggle closer into Shawn and try your hardest to drift off to sleep. After laying there for awhile you finally fall into dreamland.

"Baby, wake up," a deep smooth voice says. You open your eyes and are greeted with Shawn's beautiful face. "Morning baby," he says, kissing your cheek. "Are you ready?"

Confused, you sit up. "Ready for wh-oh. I forgot!" You say, mentally face palming. The nerves make a reappearance and you suddenly want to throw up. "I can't do this Shawn."

He pulls you into his arms. "Yes you can baby. I will be in the hospital the whole time and I'll be the first person you see when you wake up. You'll be fine," he reassures you. His warm eyes calm your nerves slightly. You nod your head and get off the soft bed. You quickly get ready before heading out the door.

The whole car ride is silent, you lost in the thoughts of 'what if?' You don't even realize your leg is shaking until Shawn places his hand on top of your thigh to still it. You sheepishly smile before turning on the radio to keep your from thinking much more.

The ride is over too fast and you face a large white building. After exiting the car, Shawn's hand finds yours as you walk side by side into the hospital.

The strong smell of cleaning supplies and bleach hit you as soon as you walk in. You resist the urge to cover your nose, to guard it from the sterile smell. Shawn notices this and let's out a small laugh.

You both walk up to the receptionist. Shawn speaks for you. "Hi my girlfriend has a surgery at 11am with Dr. Jones..." You zone out and look around. The waiting room is filled with all different kinds of people but they all share on thing in common; exhaustion.

The bags are prominent on almost all of their faces. You quickly turn your attention back to the conversation between Shawn and the receptionist when your name is mentioned.

"Y/n? Will you follow me and we can get your prepped for surgery," the lady says. You nod your head and follow her to a room. She hands you a hospital gown before instructing you to undress. She leaves the room and you quickly change. You sit on the bed and wait for her to come back.

Shawn shows up with the lady, who's name tag says is named Blair. Shawn grabs your hand while you wait for the doctor. The nerves kick in and the 'what ifs' fill your head.

Shawn senses your worry and kisses your cheek. "It will be ok, y/n. Worrying will make it worse. I love you so much and I will be here when you wake up, okay?" He says. You nod as the door opens to reveal the doctor.

He tells you some information about post surgery things before he wheels you out of the room. Shawn quickly kisses you. "I love you. You'll be ok! I'll see you when you wake up!" He semi-shouts down the hall while you are being wheeled away from him. You smile as his cuteness. Anxiety settles in the pit of your stomach and you nervously play with your fingers.

In your operation room, they hook you up the anesthesia. Your eye lids feel droopy not too long after. You're out like a light within a matter of minutes.


Dylan was amazing in maze runner 😍

My bday is a month from yesterday 😏

Twitter- @lvke5sauce

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