Taylor Caniff

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QOTD- have you ever broken a bone?

I broke my finger and almost broke my toe

You winced as you walked. The beating last night was especially bad. Your stomach was bruised so it hurt to breath. There was a giant cut going down your thigh from the picture frame he threw at you. You tried your best to cover it up with clothing.

The crowed hallway was a struggle to get through but you finally made it to your locker. There waiting for you was your boyfriend, Taylor.

Nobody knew that you came from an abusive household and you wanted to keep it that way. You hated the looks of sympathy you knew you would get when people found out. Plus you weren't one for much attention. You liked to stay in the background and let someone else take the spotlight.

"Hey baby," Taylor greets you. He pecks your lips and pulls you into a hug. You wince. "Something wrong?"

You shake your head and open your locker, hiding your face. "Nope. Just slept on my back weird. It's fine," you say while grabbing your books. Taylor seems to believe you because he doesn't bring it up again. He walks you to class before heading to his own. "Bye Taylor!"

******* later that evening *******

"No stop!" You say, trying to escape danger. Tears are threatening to fall down your face and your heart is racing. Your father is standing in front of you, drunk and mad. His arm is raised and he's ready to hit you. The door bursts open and Taylor runs in the room. "TAYLOR! What are you doing!"

He ignores you and punches your father. It must have been pretty hard because he falls to the floor unconscious. Taylor runs over to you. "What the hell y/n! Why didn't you tell me!" He says, more hurt than mad.

"I didn't want sympathy. I'm sorry Taylor. I'm so sorry," you say as you begin to cry. He holds you in his arms and rocks you back and forth.

"You can't keep living like this y/n. We have to call the police. Ok?" You nod your head as he gets out his phone.


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