Shawn Mendes

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For @mojolove2000 :)

Spring was here and flowers were blooming. Prom was just around the corner. Only one problem: nobody had asked you yet.

You were a little disappointed but still hopeful. You had a crush on your friend Shawn for a while now and he hadn't asked anyone yet. You were praying it was you he was planning on asking.

It was a rainy Wednesday. You walked into your 1st period class and sat in the back. Shawn came and sat next to you.

"Guess what y/n! I'm asking my date to prom today!" Shawn excitedly greeted you. Your heart dropped to your stomach. 'Of course it wasn't me. I'm me and he's Shawn freaking Mendes' you thought to yourself.

"Oh that's um great. Good luck. I know she'll say yes," you stated with a fake happiness. Shawn was about to say something about your fake attitude but you were saved by the bell. Class had started.

1st and 2nd period slowly passed and now you were going to calculus, aka hell. You absolutely hated the class. You sat in the back of the room all alone because none of your friends had this class.

The bell rang and class started. 10 minutes into class there was a knock on the door. Your teacher opened the door and in came Shawn with his guitar.

'Oh great. He's gonna ask his date right in front of me.' You grumbled to yourself.

He started singing a prom song he wrote. At the end of the song everyone clapped.

"So y/n, will you go to prom with me?"

You were shocked. Shawn freaking Mendes, your crush and best friend, was asking you to prom.

Tears of joy filled your eyes as you nodded yes. You got up from your seat and made your way over to him. Since you were in class you decided a hug was better than a kiss.

"Thanks for saying yes." Shawn whispered in your ear.

"Anytime," you whisper back, throwing in a wink.


Soooooo what did ya think???? 15 votes????

I think it was appropriate because prom is soon for most people. Except my school. Cuz we don't have prom. Or homecoming. Or dances at all. #sucks

I sprinted a mile today in track and now I'm dead

Stay beautiful :) xx

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