making out

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QOTD- how was your thanksgiving?


Jack G-
he just couldn't resist, you looked so beautiful just lying there, your head on his lap. You were watching a movie and how could he possibly not be distracted by your rhythmic breathing, or the way your hair draped over his legs like a blanket? So in the moment that you looked up at him to ask him a question, he just went and did it, he leant down and kissed you; passionately. You curled your toes, and he grabbed your face in order to kiss you more deeply than before, as his tongue made there way over your bottom lip and into your mouth. He was completely in control, considering he was on top, and lets just say that you, to this day, have never finished that movie.

it was completely thrilling and your parents would be so, so mad. Jacob wasn't allowed to be in your room with the door closed, and you were certainly not allowed to have a boy in your house alone, with no one else there. But here you were, the sexual tension in the room rising by the second, and soon Jacob's shirt was pulled off over his head, and his muscles torso was pressed against your chest as he kissed you sweetly at first. But soon it got heated, and he threw you carefully onto the bed, following after and hovering over you, shoving his tongue in your mouth unexpectedly as you gasped. You ran your hands up to his hair and tugged on the roots, making him groan.

Jack J-
You were in a hotel room completely alone, and it was the first night that you had seen each other in months. The whole day he was being so incredibly sweet the entire time, so once you got back to the hotel you figured that he would be his usual self, hungry for more and rough. But no, you couldn't have been more wrong. You were sitting on the bed, legs tangled together as he put one of his hands to your cheek, and kissed you slowly and passionately. He didn't try to push anything, he just kissed you sensually as things heated up. Once you couldn't take the teasing any longer, you grabbed his face and forced him to kiss you deeper, biting on his bottom lip.

you were babysitting Skylynn, and you, her, and Nash were all playing hide and seek. Nash was trying to find you, and you saw Skylynn dash under a cupboard, her small body making her practically impossible to find. You on the other hand, were stuck hiding behind a door because you couldn't find anyone else. You peeked your head around the corner of the door, only to feel two hands sneak onto your waist, making you almost scream as you turned to face the culprit; Nash. But before any noise could get out of your mouth, his lips were attached to your, his tongue making his way in to your mouth immediately as he gripped both sides of your face.

after the longest day of being annoyed and interrupted by the other magcon boys, you and Cameron were finally alone, and you couldn't wait five seconds before his lips were pressed to yours. Gentle at first, as it always is, but then he slowly took off his jacket. He pulled away and put his forehead on yours, looking in your eyes, almost like he was asking for approval. A burst of confidence went through your veins, and you pushed yours lips roughly on his. He reacted quickly, lifting your legs to wrap around his hips, and pulling at your bottom lip with his teeth as you put your hands on his face. No interruptions this time.

you were fighting, but it was mostly you just screaming at him. At this point you didn't even hear what you were yelling about, because you became increasingly distracted by the way he was clenching his jaw and rolling his eyes. You just couldn't take the tension anymore, so you put your hands on his chest and pushed him roughly back onto the couch. His eyes widened substantially before your lips collided, you being completely in control. You rolled his bottom lip between your teeth and he gasped lightly, making you smirk, the fight quickly leaving your mind.

You were sitting on the couch with Carter, just talking about life in general, laughing and smiling as he made corny jokes and said ridiculous things just to make you smile. It was times like these where you really fell in love with Carter all over again. He suddenly leaned forward and brushed some hair out of your face, brushing his lips softly over yours in the process. He did it again, only this time his lips lingered over yours, before he pushed them onto yours completely, covering his mouth with yours. He pulled you closer by your waist and you put your hands up to his face, pulling him as close as he could get.

He was driving you home from the movie you had just seen, 'Despicable Me 2' and you were just enjoying some comfortable silence. He stopped at a red light, and turned to look over at you, his eyes sparkled by the sun that pooled in through the window. You leaned forward and kissed him softly. His tongue traced your bottom lip and you smiled slightly into the kiss, opening your mouth slightly. But it was only two seconds before the light turned green again, and you had to pull away before getting into a car crash.

You had snuck Shawn past your brother and into your bedroom, and if he was caught Shawn was dead and you were way beyond grounded. So you were being very quite, cuddling on the bed, before things got heated. You rolled over so you could straddle his waist, leaning down to capture his lips in a kiss that was very out of character, considering you were shy. After a couple minutes, Shawn took control and flipped you both over, rubbing the skin under above your shorts with his thumb and kissing you deeply. The bed creaked under the shift of weight, but the possibility of getting caught had long left your mind.

You knew that Taylor was an experienced guy, especially in the bedroom, so you were weary of dating him. But you really loved him, so the night that you decided you wanted to take your relationship to the next level, you were still nervous about things going to fast. But all that worry was put to rest as you saw the real Taylor, a sweet and gentle guy. He sat down on your bed, and pulled you closer by your hips, before kissing you so lightly that you barely felt his lips on yours. But once you got more into it, every kiss was full of love, and he showed you how he cared.


*cred to tumblr*

What did you think?

I saw mocking jay and omf it was perfect

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