Hayes Grier

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QOTD- fun fact about you?

I've never met my biological parents (I'm adopted (: )

Nerves over took you as you waited in line to see the person that had saved your life. Hayes Grier. The bright blue eyed boy had given you hope when there wasn't much to hope for. He made you laugh when you wanted to cry and he always brought a smile to your face just by being himself. You were excited but nervous to be able to tell him just how much he meant to you.

The girl before you finished taking a picture with Hayes. You nervously ran your fingers through your hair and absentmindedly fixed your shirt. When she left you slowly walked over to him.

"Hey beautiful! What's your name?" He greeted you.

You swallowed the lump in your throat before replying. "Y/n."

He smiles and pulls you into a warm hug. "It's nice to meet you! Do you want a picture?"

Afraid that you might start crying, you don't speak. You just hug him tighter and he doesn't seem to mind. You pull away and look up at him. "Hey what's wrong y/n?" You touch your face and realize it's wet. You hadn't even realized you were crying.

"I just can't believe I'm meeting the guy that saved my life," you choke out. He pulls you into another hug.

"I saved your life?" He responds, his voice filled with emotion. You nod and continue to cry. "Well I'm glad that I get to meet an amazing girl like you. Just remember to stay strong. I love you so much and I hate it when you are sad." He kisses your temple before pulling away.

"Thank you," you whisper. His words spark something inside you. For the first time in a long time you are actually happy. A smile, though a small one, breaks out on your face. You take a couple of pictures with Hayes to capture this perfect moment.

The moment that you felt true happiness.

Idk if I like this one...

Comment what you thought! 120 votes for next update! :)

Stay fab xx


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