Shawn Mendes

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QOTD- what do you like most about fall?

I love all the colors and cold weather

For @4Tris4Ever4


You smiled at yourself in the mirror as you finished up the finishing touches of your look. Tonight was your and Shawn's 3 year anniversary and he was taking you out to celebrate. You still couldn't believe you and Shawn have been dating for 3 years. The time has flown by.

The doorbell rang so you quickly grabbed your purse and shoes before scurrying down the stairs to let Shawn in.

"You look beautiful, Isabel," Shawn greets you. You blush before pecking him on the cheek.

"You look beautiful too," you giggle. You quickly slip on your shoes before closing and locking the door behind you. Shawn walks you to his car and open the door for you. You slide in while he walks around to get to the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" You question. Shawn had said to dress casual but nice. You were clothed in a blue button up with the sleeves rolled up to your elbows, dark wash jeans and black riding boots. The front section of your hair was French braided and then pulled into a ponytail. Your make up was light.

Shawn was dressed in a black fitted T-shirt, jeans and a dark brown leather jacket. "You'll see when we get there, silly!" He replies. You jokingly roll your eyes before turning up the radio and humming along.

The drive was short and you soon found yourself at an arena. "A concert?!" You exclaim. He nods and a smile breaks out on your face. "Who are we seeing?"

Shawn hands you the tickets which read y/f/b (your fav band) written in big bold letters at the top. "Thank you so much babe!" You squeal before jumping into his arms and giving him a big kiss. He laughs while kissing you back.

After the warm hug, you drag Shawn into the arena, eager to see your favorite band. You had been wanting tickets for months but they were pretty expensive and you didn't know who to bring. Problem solved.

Your seats were pretty close. You could see the tiny details people from the lawn wish they could see. Once they hit the stage, you joined along in all the other fans' screaming. Even Shawn started yelling a bit.

Throughout the whole night you and Shawn danced and sang along. You were constantly laughing and yelling, unable to contain your excitement.

As it came down to their last song you couldn't help but be a little sad. The perfect night was almost over. Screams erupted throughout the entire stadium as your favorite started talking into the microphone.

"Now before we start our last song, we have something special happening," he said. Confused, you looked at Shawn only to find him on one knee in front of you. You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands as tears filled your eyes.

Your favorite band member handed a body guard a mic who gave the mic to Shawn. "Isabel, I can't believe it's been 3 years. 3 whole years and you still cause my heart to beat 70 miles a minute. You're so caring and sweet and beautiful. I can't imagine the rest of my life without you. With that said, will you marry me?"

You nodded your head before running into Shawn's open arms and giving him a kiss. The crowed cheered and aw'ed as he set you down and slipped the ring on your finger.


This was not how I intended the imagine to turn out but I like it. Comment what you thought!

My bday is a week from tomorrow 😏

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