Matt Espinosa

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QOTD- what grade are you going into?

I'm a freshman

For @Its_Crysstal


You had been waiting all day for Matt to FaceTime you. He was supposed to call hours ago and you couldn't help but be a little disappointed. You guys hadn't been talking as much but you missed him more than he would ever know. He was living his dream though and you didn't want to be the one to rain on his parade.

You were about to give up when your phone ringtone went off. You jumped off your bed and raced to the other side of the room where your phone was.

'Matt <3 would like to FaceTime' was displayed. You smiled and quickly accepted.

"Matt! Hey!" You happily greeted him. You could make out his face but that was about it. The room was dark and he looked tired.

"Hey Crystal," he tiredly replied. He yawned before speaking again. "How are you?"

"I'm good. You look tired," you reply, less happy this time. You hate to see Matt so stressed.

He yawns again. "Yeah but it's worth it. I love my fans and if traveling all the time and getting no sleep means making them happy, then I'm all for it," he says. You smile at his kindness. He really does love his fans.

You walk over to your make up table and set your phone down, facing you. You grab your make up remover and start to take off your make up. "I missed you. It's been so long since we've seen each other in person. Only a couple more months though!" You look back at your phone and see that Matt is asleep.

"Goodnight I guess," you sigh before hanging up. Tears blur your vision as you feel a lump grow in your throat. You missed him so much and didn't want to wait to see him. When you guys did talk either you or him were extremely tired and stressed. This long distance thing was really taking it's roll on both of you.

You decide to text Matt and talk to him about it tomorrow.

Hey call me when you see this message. We need to talk

You finish getting ready for bed before changing into pajamas and hopping into bed. Thoughts of Matt swirl around your head, making it hard to sleep but you eventually doze off.

The next morning you are awaken by your phone ringing. You slowly get out of bed and answer it without looking at the ID.

"Hello?" You grumble into the phone. You weren't too happy about being woken up so early.

"Hey sorry about falling asleep last night. I saw your text. What's up?" Matts voice fills the phone. Your stomach lurches. You were suddenly extremely nervous about how he was going to react.

"Look Matt. It's just... This long distance thing is hard for both of us. You have your fans to focus on and I have school. You are always traveling while I'm here. I feel like I'm holding you back in a way and I don't want to ruin your dreams. I think... I think we should break up," you say, your voice cracking near the end. You quickly hang up and turn off your phone. You throw it at the wall and collapse on the floor, sobs filling the otherwise silent room.

*3 days later*

There was a knock at your door which earned a groan from you. You hadn't talked to anyone since you broke up with him. Your phone had yet to be turned on again. You were sure it was filled with calls and texts from Matt. You couldn't face him yet. You didn't want to take him back because you knew it wouldn't work out. You hadn't left your room since. Your mom had brought you food and your bed had become your new home.

The knocking persisted. "Go away mom," you yell from under your duvet. You heard the door open.

"I'd be concerned if I was your mom," said an all too familiar voice. You peeked your head out from under your covers to reveal your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend.

"M-Matt?" You question. What was he doing here?!

"Well aren't you going to hug me?" He questioned, trying to keep the mood light. You jump out of bed and ran into his arms. You were sure you looked like crap but you didn't care at the moment. All you cared about was Matt.

You breathed in his familiar scent. "What are you doing here?" You question, burying your head in his chest.

"I came to win my girl back."


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