He gets jealous

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QOTD- whats something you're really excited for in 2015?

my 5sos concert is in august and i can't wait


Cameron: when Cameron gets jealous, you can almost always read it on his face. He loses his smile and narrows his eyes as he sees one of his friends from home obviously hitting on you in the middle of the party. He makes his way over to you, and throws his arm around you shoulder, talking loudly and saying “Babe, you know I love you right?” This always gets across the message that your taken.

Carter: carter is pretty obvious when he is jealous, mostly because he starts to become very touchy feely. He can see the guy touch your arm lightly, and he nearly runs over yo you, wrapping his arms around your waist and putting his head in the crook of your neck. “So, what are we talking about?” He’ll say innocently, but with a snap that makes it obvious he’s jealous.

Nash: he gets angry. If he sees a guy blatantly flirting with you he will walk right up to them and say “She’s taken.” With a menace in his voice that is easy to detect. This usually scares them away but if there dumb enough to not take the hint, he literally pulls you away from the conversation, not even acknowledging the guy anymore.

Jack Johnson: he gets quiet when he’s jealous. He almost becomes a little bit shy, because he doesn’t want to be the boyfriend who won’t let you talk to any other guys, but he also can’t stand the thought of someone else making you laugh. So he just listens in on what your saying, making sure to kiss you on the cheek softly, making sure the other guy understands that he doesn’t want to make a scene, but that he better back off his girl.

Aaron: Aaron wouldn’t even know what to do. He sees a guy smiling at you, and even wink, and his head just begins reeling. He begins to talk about your relationship very loud, yelling about how long you’ve been dating and how much he loves you. The other guy usually quiets down when he sees your spoken for, but if he doesn’t, then Aaron will just go up to him and say “I’m her boyfriend.”

Jack Gilinsky: I feel like he would be the protective boyfriend, so if he ever saw anyone flirting with you, or touching your arm or waist he is immediately right next to you, his hand slipping into the back pocket of your jeans. Or if he is really annoyed with the guy, or they ever get way to close for comfort, he just starts to make out with you right in front of him, no shame or anything. After he’s done he’ll just turn to the guy and say “Hi, I’m her boyfriend Jack.” Politely, like nothing ever even happened.

Taylor: Taylor would be respectful of you, so he wouldn’t pull you away from the conversation you were having, because he knows that he has to kiss hundreds of girls on the cheek a day, and you never complain. So he just watches from afar, until he just can’t stand seeing someone else flirt with you for some long that he’ll just go up to you and peck you on the lips, glaring at the guy afterwards.

Shawn: innocent little Shawn I feel like would be the most protective of all the boys. He sees a whole group of guys talking to you, laughing at something you said, and he is next to you in a matter of seconds. He would come up behind you because he is so much taller, and kiss your neck affectionately before growling at the boys to “back off my girlfriend” and once they did, he would return to his sweet little self again.

Matt: Matt would pick a fight. Even if the guy didn’t even know you were taken, the moment he say someone talking too close to you, he would be all up in there space yelling at them to back off before they get there ass kicked. If they still put up a fight, punches may or may not be thrown, but that usually doesn’t happen.


*creds to tumblr*

the picture above is currently killing me.

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