Carter Reynolds

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For @anonymouscrumpets :)

You and Carter were spending the day at 6 flags. You got dressed in an aqua flowy tank top and white shorts. You put on your high top white converse and went to your bathroom. You straightened your hair, braided the front section and pinned it back.

You grabbed some money and your phone before going down the stairs. You texted Carter you were ready and waited for him. While you waited you went on Twitter.

Ding dong! You ran to the door and opened it. There standing was your amazing boyfriend. "You ready Kassidy?" He said. You nodded and intertwined your fingers. On the ride there, you both jammed to music.

You finally arrived and got into the park. He grabbed your hand. "Where to first?" He asked. You dragged him to the Batman. You went on almost every ride. Before long you were hungry.

"Let's get some food!" You suggest. He laughs and you pull him to the nearest food stand. A cute guy around your age was working there. He looked at you and smiled.

"How can I help a pretty lady like you?" He asked.

You blush. "Can I get 1 order of cheese fries and a large dr. pepper?" You respond.

He nods. "One moment gorgeous." He says, throwing in a wink. Beside you Carter tenses. The guy comes back with your food and you pay him.

"Bye!" You say before leading Carter to a table. You sit down to eat when you see a small slip of paper. On it was 'call me' and the guys number. Carter sees the number and freaks out.

"He have you his number?! What a douche bag! He doesn't even know you! Didn't he see that you have a boyfriend?! Me! I was there the whole time!" He states. You can tell he's really mad.

You smile and pinch his checks. "Aww is Carter jealous?" You say in a baby voice.

"Psssh yeah right. Carter don't get jealous." He replies. You start laughing.

"Mmmmhm alright. Whatever you say babe." You respond.

"Really Kass. I'm not jealous. I swear." He tries to defend himself. To shut him up you kiss him.

"Bet he's the jealous one now," Carter says. You smile.


What did ya think????

My school got out early cuz of a power outage hehe

Stay beautiful

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