Part One: blu

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Pico was sitting on his couch, mindlessly surfing channels on his television. Work has been slow recently, so he's taken up beat making to fill financial gaps. But today, his inspiration was at a low, and he decided not to worry and to relax, fiddling with a cigarette between his fingers. That is, until his phone began to buzz. He picked it up to see an unusual name.


Weird. It had been a long while since Pico had talked to Boyfriend, but he figured he'd pick up.


He was met with loud sobs, Boyfriend choking back tears as he tried to string together a sentence. Pico was caught off-guard, doing his best to calm Boyfriend down.

"Whoa, what's going on? Boyfriend, are you alright?" Concern rang in his voice.

"Pico! I'm so sorry to bother you, but..." he broke down into more crying.

"No, no, no! You're not bothering me! Just... spit it out. What's up?" Pico got off the couch and walked into his room to go light a cigarette.

"Me and Girlfriend... we..." He could barely get the words out through his tightening throat. "We broke up!"

Pico almost dropped his cigarette. "You WHAT?" He could hardly believe it. Boyfriend had fought so hard to win this girl who loved him so much. Why had they broken up?

"Her parents... they... they got this other guy and..." Boyfriend only managed a few hiccupped words before the crying continued. "Pico, I'm so sorry to bother you... I know it's been a long time since we..."

Pico moved his cigarette to his other hand and grabbed his phone, which had been resting in between his shoulder and his ear. "It's no trouble, I promise. It sounds like you need to talk. Where are you?"

Boyfriend paused. "I'm... at home."

"That would be incredibly helpful if I knew where you lived." Pico puffed his cigarette and left his room, grabbing his keys off of the kitchen counter.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm, uh... I'm in that building next to that... that uh, restaurant. Salads and-"

"Got it." Pico made his way towards Boyfriend's apartment in long strides. "I'll be right over, alright?"

"...ok. Thanks, Pico."

The line went dead as Pico ran to meet up with an old friend.


Why did he call Pico? Of all people?

Boyfriend sat on his bed, sobbing as he waited for the ginger to arrive. The last time he had seen Pico was when Girlfriend's dad had hired him as a hitman. Great terms to end on. But at the thought of Girlfriend, Boyfriend broke down into another round of tears. He suddenly heard a knock, and before he could answer, he heard the front door swing open.

"Boyfriend?" He heard Pico call from the living room. Probably hearing his crying, Pico found the bedroom, where he gently opened the door to find Boyfriend sitting in bed, tears streaming down his face and clutching a pillow. Closing the door softly behind him, Pico sat next to him.

"Hey, Pico." Boyfriend looked over at him. "Thanks... thanks for coming."

"Don't mention it." Pico was sitting, slumped on the edge of the bed. He leaned back on one hand to see Boyfriend eye to eye, his cigarette between his index and middle fingers on his other hand. "Do you want to talk?"

Boyfriend's eyes welled up with tears as he vented the whole story to Pico. He and Girlfriend were having a normal coffee date. Her parents were trying to have her follow in their footsteps to become a star, and so to help her on that journey they introduced her to some kid on the path to stardom. This guy asked for her hand in marriage right in front of Boyfriend. She declined the offer, but, her dad appeared from seemingly nowhere and grabbed Boyfriend by his bright blue hair, screaming at Girlfriend that if she didn't marry the guy he would kill Boyfriend right then and there. To save him she agreed, without hesitation, and the three left, with Daddy Dearest dragging Girlfriend and the kid out of the restaurant. She was sobbing and reaching for Boyfriend, who was trapped in place by all of the scattered furniture pushing him against the wall. The kid was scared and confused as he was dragged out, clearly not into the whole marriage idea.

By this point, Pico could barely speak. He took his cigarette out of his mouth without as much as an inhale. "Wow."

Boyfriend looked at the ground with wet eyes, gently running a hand through his hair with a wince. "She was the one. I just know it." He lifted his head to see Pico offering him his cigarette.

"Want a puff? I know you don't smoke, but it always helps to calm me down when shit like this happens." Pico gave him half a smile.

Boyfriend thought for a moment. "What the Hell. Thanks, Pico." He took the cigarette, placing it between his lips before taking a big breath in. He took it out of his mouth and a large puff of smoke escaped, followed by a dry cough and a pained gasp.

Pico grinned. "It takes some getting used to." The clock sitting on Boyfriend's nightstand caught his eye. "It's getting kinda late. I should probably-"

"Wait!" Boyfriend reached and grabbed Pico's arm. Embarrassed, he pulled away again. "Please don't go. Could you please stay the night? I know it's a lot to ask, but I could use the company."

Pico raised an eyebrow, checking my his phone briefly before responding.

"What the Hell, I can stay the night. Why don't you get up and help me fix some dinner."

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