Part Twenty-Seven: Label

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TW: Sexual References, Nudity


"See ya', Alvin!"

The henchman waved as Darnell left the Dearests' estate, a grin plastered across his face. He had completed all he set out to do.

A hefty amount of cash was sent to his PayPal by Mr. Dearest, thanking him for the flamethrowers he had delivered to the manor.

He had an amazing time with Mrs. Dearest.

And, finally, the pills Pico had requested rocked around in his pocket, clacking together as the car moved.

He pulled up to an apartment complex about ten minutes from his own. Darnell took his time climbing up the stairs and knocking on the wooden door.

When nobody responded, he tried again, this time harder. Some shuffling came from inside along with some muffled cursing.

Another knock.

"I'm coming! Fuck..."

A shirtless Pico swung opened the door with a scowl decorating his face, one hand trying desperately to buckle his belt. He looked up from his struggle to see Darnell, who was immediately slugged in the shoulder.

"What the fuck dude? Not even a text?" The ginger complained, finally getting his pants situated. He crossed his arms, face red with anger. "This better be urgent."

Darnell tossed him the pill bottle, which immediately made Pico's face light up. "That urgent enough for you?" He exclaimed, rolling his eyes at his flustered friend.

"Holy shit! Thank you so much, man!" Flipping the bottle in his hands, Pico pulled him into a hug.

"Hey, dude, it was nothing. Tell Keith I said-" Darnell paused, looking unintentionally into the apartment only to burst into uncontrollable laughter. "HOLY FUCK!"

Keith was sitting on the couch in a frilly black dress that was clearly made to fuck in,  equipped with a corset, a low neckline, the works. He scrolling through his phone, looking rather tense as he typed something out. At the sound of the laughter, he turned to see Darnell looking at him. The little guy's eyes widened, and he swiftly picked up the green sweater carelessly thrown on the floor and used it to cover himself. He looked away, the tips of his ears glowing pink.

"DAMN, DUDE!" Darnell nudged a now bright red Pico in the ribs. "You're into that KINKY shit, huh?" Another round of laughter escaped his lips as tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

"Listen, thanks a ton dude, but I have some stuff I need to finish..." Pico mumbled, not making eye contact.

"Right, right." Darnell composed himself. "But tell me..." He stifled a giggle. "Are you gonna finish it in Keith?"

More laughter as a still burning up Pico gave him an unamused look. "Really? How old are you, five?"

"Four, actually." Darnell quipped, wiping the tears from his eyes as he finally settled down. "Thanks for thinking I'm mature."

"Go, fuckin'... tap dance on a bear trap." The ginger muttered, fidgeting with the bottle as he leaned against the doorframe. His face was flushed as he looked back into the apartment.

Darnell rolled his eyes, sticking out his hand to shake his friend's. "Alright, I'll let you get back to..." He gestured to the living room, snickering. "Whatever you were doing. Love ya', man."

Pico gratefully shook his hand, giving him a small smile. "Thank you so much dude, really. If there's any way I can pay it forwards, let me know, alright?"

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