Part Twelve: Backstage

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Eventually, the two boys found themselves back in their seats. The duet was long over, and Girlfriend was just wrapping up the performance with a softer song. She held the last note, breathing it softly into the mic as the song ended. The crowd exploded and got to their feet, giving a standing ovation. Keith and Pico stood up and clapped, both looking a little messy and tired.

"Thank you for coming, everyone! Love you lots!" She blew a kiss to the audience and strode offstage, waving. With that, people began to leave. As Pico stood up to go, Keith grabbed his hand. He gave the ginger a worried look.

   "Actually, Pico, we have VIP tickets. We're supposed to go backstage and meet Girlfriend."

Pico squinted before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine."

The two walked backstage, Keith flashing their tickets to security as they went to meet Girlfriend.


"You guys have a wonderful night!" Girlfriend waved after a couple of fans who had purchased VIP tickets. They seemed nice. She took a couple of pictures and signed a shirt for them. But something was occupying her mind.

She waited not-so-patiently for Boyfriend to arrive. She didn't want to admit it, but Girlfriend missed him. Sweet Saten Christ, she was pathetic. He had just ended their relationship. And for what?! For...

   "Pico! Found her!" Girlfriend whipped her head around to see Boyfriend come around the corner, running towards her.

   "Boyfriend!" She smiled and hugged him. As she opened her eyes, she saw Pico standing by the corner, lighting another cigarette. Did this guy do anything but smoke?

   He does. He kisses Boyfriend.

   "You were amazing!" Boyfriend pulled away, his hands still resting on her shoulders.

   She blushed, giving a shy smile. "Thanks!"

   Boyfriend looked behind him to see the ginger taking a long inhale on his cig. "Pico, come say hi!"

   He looked uncomfortable for a second, but one look at Boyfriend made Pico sigh and walk over. "Hey."

   Girlfriend smiled. "Heyyy... don't think we've properly met. I'm Girlfriend."

   "While I'm flattered that a doll like you would want to know me..." Pico took a quick puff, letting the smoke spill out of his mouth. "I believe we have met. Name's Pico. Your dad's hitman. Pleasure to see you." He extended his hand.

   Girlfriend's eyes widened as she shook his hand. It was a little dry, and despite the size difference between them, a lot bigger than hers. "The pleasure's all mine..."

   They sat in silence for a while, Pico continuing to take long inhales on his cigarette. Girlfriend could smell the secondhand smoke, fanning the air in front of her.

   "Well, I'm glad you guys liked the show. I'm in town for a couple more days if you want to hang out again, Boyfriend." She smiled at him.

   "Yeah, shoot me a text whenever!" Boyfriend said without thinking, giving her one last hug, this one long and drawn out. Pico looked visibly annoyed.

   "C'mon, Keith, let's get going." He dropped his cigarette and stomped it out. Girlfriend pulled out of the hug, confused.

   "Keith?" She questioned, putting her hands on her hips.

   "Oh, heh..." Boyfriend mumbled. "Just an old nickname..."

   Girlfriend knew he was lying, but she didn't want to confront him in front of Pico. "Alright then. Have a nice night!"

   They waved goodbye and parted ways, Pico relieved to get out of that theater.


   "So..." Pico stretched his arms behind him as they walked. "Wanna go anywhere before we call it a night?"

   Keith followed behind him, kicking stray pebbles on the sidewalk. "What the hell, why not. Anyplace in particular?"

   The ginger thought for a moment. "How about our old spot?"

   Keith jolted. "You mean the roof?"

   "Why not?" The shorter of the two looked up as Pico shrugged. Sighing, he agreed.


   The two trudged over to an old apartment building. It was a lot nicer, and, thus, expensive than where they were living. But they knew it like the back of their hands. Crawling around the back, Pico uncovered the old fire escape.

   "Keith! Found it..." he climbed on, running up the stairs, swiftly followed by the familiar tuft of blue hair.

   Their feet clanged on the metal as they reached to top of the fire escape, then jumping to grab onto the roof of the building. Pico went first, climbing on with ease. Keith had a little bit of a harder time, he was a little rusty, so the ginger hoisted him up.

   Once they had both reached the roof of the complex, they sat, feet dangling off the edge. Keith was to Pico's right, watching the cars drive endlessly beneath them, and the buildings ahead twinkle with lights. Keith suddenly felt a hand on his, looking to see Pico had grabbed it. He blushed.

   "This... is nice. Just like old times." Pico chuckled. "God, the more time I spend with you, the more I realize I missed you..." he sighed. "Isn't that pathetic? Heh..."

   "What's pathetic about it? There's nothing pathetic about missing me..." Keith smiled, looking ahead at the city.

   They sat in silence for a while, basking in the view and the company of each other. It was soothing, even with the loud noise of cars and people wandering the city. Keith felt Pico squeeze his hand. "Thank you..."

   "For what?"

   "For forgiving me..." He took a deep breath, wishing he had a cig to take a drag. That would help calm his nerves. "Keith, that night, in the rain. That was the worst night of my life. I-"

   Suddenly, the door to the roof behind them swung open. Pico swiveled his head to see a gruff looking man, looking pretty pissed.

   "What are you boys doing up here? We had noise complaints by the fire escapes tonight, and this is private property. So scram. Or I'll make you."

   Keith was about to stand when Pico growled. "You leave us both alone, you cunt." The ginger stood, walking towards the man, holding his pocket knife so tightly his knuckles turned paler than his already fair hands. The large blade was out, and he pointed it menacingly. "We're not hurting anyone, but I sure as hell will if you don't leave us the FUCK alone."

   The man proceeded to pull out a handgun.


   But Pico wasn't scared. He's been in worse. Although, he was really regretting leaving his uzi back at the apartment. "If you think I'm afraid of a little gunfire, you're fucking crazy..." suddenly, the ginger felt a hand on his sleeve. He didn't turn, keeping his eyes locked on the man, as Keith spoke.

   "We should get going anyways... why don't you walk me home?"

   Pico hesitantly put away his knife, grumbling as Keith led him back down the fire escape. The man stopped them, causing a knife to be pointed right back at his throat.

   "Take the stairs."


As the two arrived at Keith's apartment, Pico sighed. "Hey, Blu. I... wanted to ask you something?"

   "Hm?" Keith looked up with tired eyes. It had been a long night.

   "Are we, like..." Pico blushed and looked away. "Are we official? No pressure, just... I don't know what you want." Damn, that was awkward.

   Keith blushed and smiled. "I mean, if you want us to be..." he rubbed his neck and looked at the floor. He felt Pico lift his chin and kiss him gently.

   "Alright then. See you, babe." He walked off, leaving Keith in front of his apartment building. He gently touched his face and grinned. Things were good again.

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