Part Seven: Boring

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Boyfriend and Pico eventually made it out of the room, but not before ruining another set of sheets.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this again." Pico walked to the fridge to look for breakfast, but he didn't have much. Luckily, though, he found some toaster waffles in the freezer, so he popped a couple in to cook. "I've missed you more than I thought I did."

Boyfriend thought for a moment before responding. "I've missed you too. Never expected to, but... damn, Pico, Girlfriend never made me feel like... like that." His ass and hips were sore from last night and this morning, but it was a good kind of sore. Boyfriend adjusted himself, applying more pressure to his pelvis. He wanted it to hurt.

"Speaking of her, how are you feeling about Girlfriend? Are you..?" Pico waited for Boyfriend to answer. He didn't want him to cry, but he figured it didn't hurt to test the waters.

"Honestly? I'm kind of over her."

Pico's jaw just about hit the floor.

Boyfriend blushed, flustered from Pico's reaction. "Like, not completely. Just..." he sighed. "I think it was just her looks that drew me in, ya know? She's honestly kinda... kinda boring. Like, in every way. Dry conversation. Bad at flirting. Boring in bed. Just... she's just not worth fighting for."

   Pico stared at him, dumbfounded. Did... he do this? Was Boyfriend really comparing her with Pico? Suddenly, a loud pop came from behind Pico. He whipped his head around to see the toaster had finished cooking the waffles.

   "Why don't we... talk over breakfast?"


   Girlfriend burst through the door of Boyfriend's apartment. It had only been a few days since her dad had dragged her off, out of the café, but she managed to convince her parents to book her a show here.


   She was practically tearing his place apart looking for him. Girlfriend didn't have a phone, and couldn't get in contact with him. She began to wander the streets, looking for Boyfriend. Her tall, hourglass figure drew a lot of attention, especially in the skintight red dress she always wore. But the terrifying look in Girlfriend's eyes made it so nobody bothered her as she hunted for him.


   "That's rough, buddy." Pico finished off his last bite of waffle.

   "Wow, thank you for the excellent advice." Boyfriend rolled his eyes sarcastically as he put his empty plate on the coffee table. "Pico, these past few days have been great. Thanks... thanks for being here." Boyfriend gave a small smile.

   Pico returned the little smile with one of his own. It wasn't very often people saw Pico with a genuine smile on his face, which made Boyfriend feel extra special that he was getting so many these days.

   "Don't mention it, it's what I'm here for." He put his plate down next to Boyfriend's and grabbed his hand. "I really miss us. I'm... sorry about what it did." Pico was hardly able to squeeze that out, it was painful. The memories washed over him, and he cringed at what had happened that April night.

   "It's ok, Pico. I... may not understand, but I don't think I want to." Boyfriend snuggled closer to his chest. "I was too harsh. Pico, I really like you. Maybe soon we can... we can get together again."

   Pico thought for a moment. "That... would be nice."

   They sat in each other's company for a few minutes, cuddling on the couch. But Boyfriend knew he had to get home, he had plant babies to take care of.

   "Pico, I really have to get back to my place. Sorry, but I should-" Boyfriend was standing up when Pico grabbed his arm.

   "One more round before you go?" He smirked, licking his lips. God, did he know what got Boyfriend going. But the pain in his hips told him it wasn't a good idea.

   "You know I'd fuck you all day, every day if I could, but you really do a number on my ass, Pico." Boyfriend rubbed around his pelvis as the ginger laughed.

   "I'm realllly that big, huh."


   Pico laughed again before standing up and grabbing his things. His phone, keys, and this time he didn't forget his uzi. "Alright, I'll walk you home." He went into the bedroom. "But first..."

   Boyfriend was grabbing his things when he saw Pico go in. "I'm not following you in there."

   "Relax, I'm not asking you to." He came out with the black hoodie from last night and a thumb drive. "This is the music from your show last night." He passed Boyfriend the drive. "And, it's gonna be a cold walk." He tossed him the hoodie. "Don't freeze your ass off before I get to fuck it again."

   "Always the horny one, aren't you Pico?" Boyfriend laughed as he put the drive in his pocket and pulled the hoodie over his head. Pico blushed. He looked so cute with his hoodie. Plus, it kind of claimed him, considering it had 'Pico' written with big lettering down the sleeves. He was really catching feelings again, huh? "Alright, let's go."


The two began to walk down the busy sidewalk, pushing through the crowd on the chilly day. It was in the middle of the lunch rush, and people were trying to grab something to eat before returning to work. Boyfriend would have been eaten alive by the dense crowd, being so short, but with Pico's extra little bit of height, he was alright.

As they made it past the restaurants and stores and to a neighborhood area, things calmed down.

"Jeez, these businesses need to learn how to stagger their lunch hours." Pico rolled his eyes.

"Yeah..." Boyfriend looked down and blushed. He reached his hand over, twitching it as he gently brushed Pico's fingers.

The ginger raised an eyebrow. "You too pussy to hold my hand?" He grabbed Boyfriend's hand aggressively, causing the little guy to flinch, then blush profusely. They approached a busier area, started to talk and laugh as they walked. When they reached the building, Pico walked Boyfriend up the stairs and to his apartment.

"It was great to see you again." Pico smirked, blushing.

Boyfriend smiled. "It was great to see you t- MMPH!" Pico cut him off with a kiss, which Boyfriend quickly returned. Suddenly, he felt something smack his ass.

"PICO!" He yelped, breaking their kiss. But Boyfriend couldn't stay mad. Pico smirked, causing him to look away, blushing profusely and mumbled. "Maybe come back over tomorrow?"

"Sure thing, Boyfriend. Or should I say..." he slapped him in the ass again. "... Keith."

Keith froze, now blushing so hard his whole face was red. Pico blew him a kiss and walked away, happy and humming, as he took out a cigarette and lighter. Keith watched him turn the corner and his face turned into a dopey smile. He walked into his apartment and sank, leaned against the door, his body dragging down until he hit the floor. God, Pico really had him right where he wanted.

Suddenly, there was a knock. Keith stood up and opened the door, assuming Pico had forgotten something, only to suddenly get slapped in the face.


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