Part Twenty: Reversed

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I just realized I forgot the TW. Sorry guys :/

TW: Mental Illness


   Keith's leg bobbed up and down as he waited for a reply. It had been thirty minutes, and he was worried sick. He couldn't trust Pico anymore, he knew that much. Continuing to fidget with the embroidery on the sleeve of the hoodie, he finally decided to just go to his partner's apartment. Maybe... maybe Pico was just sleeping.

   But Keith's intuition told him otherwise. After every fight they ever used to have, Pico would text until five in the morning, begging to talk again.

   As he grabbed his keys and wallet, Keith started to cry. He knew he fucked up with the pills. They were probably important, huh. And he just- whoops!- tossed them off of the damn balcony.

   Even if he was mad in the moment, it really wasn't his business what Pico was taking. He should've listened...

   He walked through the crisp nighttime air, warmed by the hoodie that still smelled faintly of a familiar cologne. After being with Pico for a few days, being apart felt like torture. He had reevaluated his life, changed and nit-picked himself for Pico. Hell, he felt so good with this man he changed his name back to Keith after going by Boyfriend for almost four fucking years. And suddenly, things started to roll downhill and just fucking snowball. History was repeating itself. Keith wanted this to work so badly, but... could it?

He suddenly found himself at Pico's place. He knocked.

No answer.

He knocked again.

No answer.

"Okay then..." he muttered, grabbing the knob and turning it to find it locked. Wonderful.

   Keith sat at the door, sliding his back down the painted wood and leaning against it. Pico would be home eventually, right? Or maybe... he was just asleep. Maybe that gut feeling was wrong.

   He sighed. Keith knew deep down something was up, he just... didn't know what. Pico was definitely mad at him. Hell, who wouldn't be?

But there was something he could do to try to make things better. With a look of determination and newfound energy, Keith sprinted down the stairs of the complex to look for those pills. He had to at least try to make things right.

   His short figure wandered down to the ground floor, finding a fence that blocked off a portion of the complex. Keith grabbed the links and shook it, hearing a 'Keep Out' sign jingle above him. Psh, as if.

   Keith swiftly jumped the fence and began to search the area, scanning the ground for the familiar plastic container. The place was grimy, with dead grass crunching under his feet and the occasional beer can or cigarette butt littering the ground. He scoured the area for a solid half hour before nearly tripping on a cylinder lodged in the dirt. Assuming it was just another can, Keith was surprised and relieved to see the little white bottle looking back at him.

   He picked it up, dusting it off. It was looking intact, just a little dirty from the area. Shoving it in his pocket, the short figure quickly jumped back over the fence and was running back to Pico's apartment when his stomach growled.

   Keith decided to pick something up for him and Pico. The ginger loved ribs, so he decided to go pick up some food from the 24 hour BBQ place down the street. Maybe that would calm him down.

   "Never gonna make you cry... never gonna say goodbye..." He hummed to himself, walking through the dimly lit streets. It was undoubtedly really late by now, but Pico had never been an 'early to bed, early to rise' kind of person. Keith was finally feeling some peace of mind with the pills loudly shaking in his pocket when, all of a sudden, he heard it.

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