Part Ten: Concert

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Just wanted to pop in and thank you guys for over 100 reads! It really means the world <3



   Pico and Keith ran outside, holding hands as they sprinted to the venue together. Keith was laughing, dancing around the empty sidewalk. Pico kept running, but the night was cold and his face was stung by the bitter air, dusting it pink. That's what he told himself, anyways.

   As Keith ran another circle around Pico, giggling like a little kid, Pico suddenly grabbed his waist. Using the momentum from the running, Pico spun him around as Keith held onto his shoulders. When they finally came to a stop, Pico held Keith in the air for a moment. The stars shone in the distance, the buildings around them were full of light, creating an enchanting atmosphere. Suddenly, Keith grabbed Pico's face and kissed him. They stood there, on an empty sidewalk, kissing for what felt like both forever and a second. They pulled back for air, and Pico set Keith down. Without speaking a word, they grabbed each other's hands and continued to sprint towards the venue.


Girlfriend was waiting backstage, shaking her leg from the antsy feeling she had. She glanced the the clock. 10:31. Boyfriend was late.

She had this feeling in the pit of her gut she couldn't describe. It was as if Boyfriend had torn her heart out and gently sewn it back in. He still cares for her, loved her even. But he didn't feel the same kind of love as she did. And that hurt.

As she was thinking to herself, Girlfriend reached to press her forehead when a sudden jolt of pain ran down her finger, followed by a small drop of blood. That's right. She started to grow in her horns, something that tended to happen in one's early twenties. But Girlfriend was only 19. Although, she had always been ahead when it came to growing up and puberty. She was six feet tall with DDs by the time she was 13. Regardless, the little pointy stubs on her forehead were sharp. And they hurt like a bitch.

Along with the horns tended to come a slew of things. Normally, she would start getting a lavender tint to her skin, but it skipped every third generation. She has, however, started to notice the small red glint in her eyes when she got mad.

Suddenly, she felt a buzz in her pocket. She picked up her phone to see a message.

BF 💙💙
In the audience rn. Break a leg!

Girlfriend sighed, giving a small smile as she replied.

Thx!! Cya soon then! 😁


Pico was nervous, getting a bad feeling about the concert. They were seated close to the front, and he still didn't know who was performing. He wished he had brought his gun. It was stupid of him to leave it back home. At least he has his pocket knife.

"Keith, I dunno how I'm feeling about this." He grabbed his shoulder. "Who's performing?"

Pico watched as Keith's eyes went wide. "Well, uhm, it's actually..." he trailed off. Before Pico could push for more, the lights dimmed and a spotlight lit center stage. The curtains opened to reveal an all-too-familiar red dress.

"Is that Girlfriend?!" Pico hissed into Keith's ear.

"Welcome, everyone, to the show!" She brought one hand up into the air, holding the other close to her mouth as she daintily held the microphone. "Are you guys excited??"

The crowd went wild. Girlfriend stood there, continuing to beam as she waited for them to settle down.

"Alright! Glad to hear it!" Music began to fade in. "I'm gonna start with some covers of the Dearest family favorites!" The crowd cheered as she started singing "Satin Panties," a song her mother produced an eternity ago.

"Im going to kill you the second we get out of here." Pico growled.

Keith flinched. "Pico I... I actually broke it off with her."

The ginger whipped his head around to look at Keith. "You did?"

He nodded. "She seemed... okay. She gave us tickets, after all."

"Gave you tickets." Pico corrected. "I'm not too sure she's gonna be happy to see me..."

The song ended, earning a good amount of applause from the audience. Girlfriend had a nice voice. The next beat started up, and the crowd immediately recognized it as "High," another song from her mom.

"I like this song..." Keith leaned against Pico. "It's... soothing."

Pico wrapped his arm around him. "Well, I like you. So if you like it..." he smiled. "I guess I do too."

Keith smiled at that. Pico was always so sweet. Until... he wasn't. But he didn't want to think about that now. Things were good again.

The song finished and the crowd hushed, knowing what would happens next.

"Are you guys ready for my favorite song?" Girlfriend walked farther downstage. The crowd erupted into applause and whistles.

"Why is everyone so excited?" Pico asked Keith. He had to yell to be heard over the crowd.

"M.I.L.F. It's her mom's most famous song."

Pico shrugged and turned his attention back to Girlfriend. The beat started. And, good god, did it go HARD.

Suddenly, a woman came up from a trapdoor positioned right behind Girlfriend. The crowd roared. She was over seven feet in height, with an incredible hourglass figure the fit perfectly in the skintight dress she wore, matching Girlfriend. She also had a snug leather jacket, which had coattails similar to a magician and looked like it was specially designed for her impressive figure. She topped it off with tight, knee-high boots that were reminiscent of old strip clubs.

Mommy Dearest hadn't performed live in over a decade. And here she was, in the flesh.

She started her part, with Girlfriend repeating after her. The crowd was eating it up, cheering and shouting for their favorite of the duo. Pico just sat with his eyes closed, bobbing his head up and down to the rhythm.

"Damn, this shit is tight..." he mumbled, feeling Keith jump as he clutched his arm.

The beat dropped. Pico felt his heart race and his body seemed to disintegrate. God, this was music.

Then, as suddenly as it started, the song stopped, with Girlfriend holding a long, sweet note at the very end.

Silence. You could hear a pin drop. Then, all at once, the crowd stood and gave applause, woos and whistles, Pico and Keith included. Mommy Dearest bowed before striding confidently offstage.

As the crowd continued to whistle, Pico felt himself grab Keith's chin. He looked into his endless blue eyes, bringing them closer until their lips met.

That kiss... that kiss was bliss. It was as if everything around them dissolved, leaving just the two of them. There was no tongue, no aggressive passion. Just love.

As they parted, they both had stars in their eyes. They stared at each other, the noise of the still crazy crowd blocked from their little bubble. Keith started to laugh. His eyes started to water as he lunged at Pico, tackling him into a long hug. Pico smiled.

"I love you, Keith."

   "I love you too, Pico."

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