ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏɴᴅɪɴɢ

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Raghav and his mother Sharadha, completed their grocery shopping and headed towards a restaurant for lunch.

"Raghav, are you still upset?" Sharadha asked him as he was looking very dull. She thought he was upset because she didn't agree to come to his uncle's house.

"Nothing like that maa... I'm fine" he smiled a little to make her beleive that he is not upset.

But can you hide something from your mother? No right?! Same goes with Raghav too.

"I know you are not okay as I said I will not come there tomorrow. You know my reasons too da... " She explained him calmly.

"Maa, I understand your point. I'll be fine soon... Don't worry " he replied smiling.

Soon the waiter came there to get their orders. Raghav got an official call, which he cannot decline now. As it was very noisy in the restaurant, he went out to attend it.

When he came back, he found his mother smiling widely at him.

"Can I know the reason for your bright smile?" He asked her curiously.

"Why? Shouldn't I smile ?" she asked him back.

"Not like that.. but I find some mischief behind that smile! That's what I want to know..."

"My Smarty boy, you'll know the reason soon don't worry. " she winked at him.

Raghav shrugged off, as his mom would never spill out the reason for her smile until the time comes.

The waiter brought the dishes and placed it on the table. Instead of two plates, the waiter kept three plates before them. Sharadha nodded and the waiter left, making Raghav even more curious.

His mobile beeped with a message notification. He opened it and it displayed a message from the name "Darling 😘" The name itself brought a bright smile on his face. He touched the contact and it showed,

"Surprise 🤪 "

Raghav looked at his mom in shock and she nodded her head in yes. He looked around and saw her running towards them happily.

She hugged his mother first and hit his shoulder to bring him awake from the sweet shock.

"Dei anna (brother) why are you standing like a statue?" Yazhini asked him, as she sat beside them .

"He is surprised to see you here da.. am I right Raghav?" Sharadha asked him teasingly.

"When did you both plan this?" He asked them as he was very well aware of the fact that his mom has also played a major part in planning this visit of Yazhini.

"Few hours back da... When you asked whether we can go for lunch, I thought of calling her too... And she was also free today ! That's it. " Sharadha replied sweetly.

"Yeah yeah! Now let's start eating. I'm very hungry... And thanks for ordering my favourite dishes athai" Yazhini replied licking her lips on seeing the delicious food in front of her.

Raghav smiled and caressed her hair, as he was so happy and emotional to meet his cousin after a long time. They three had their lunch happily by talking about Raghav and Yazhini's childhood memories.

"I never thought you will come here Yazhini" he told her when his mom went to wash her hands.

"Haha I know anna" she chuckled.

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